Ricardo Henrique Franco de Oliveira
Ricardo Henrique Franco de Oliveira
Universidade de São Paulo, Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais, Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, FZEA
在 usp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Effect of early treatment with fluvoxamine on risk of emergency care and hospitalisation among patients with COVID-19: the TOGETHER randomised, platform clinical trial
G Reis, EA dos Santos Moreira-Silva, DCM Silva, L Thabane, ...
The Lancet Global Health 10 (1), e42-e51, 2022
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1042–1111
PW Crous, MJ Wingfield, YH Chooi, CLM Gilchrist, E Lacey, JI Pitt, ...
Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 44, 301, 2020
Fungal Planet description sheets: 868–950
PW Crous, AJ Carnegie, MJ Wingfield, R Sharma, G Mughini, ...
Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 42, 291, 2019
Effect of early treatment with hydroxychloroquine or lopinavir and ritonavir on risk of hospitalization among patients with COVID-19: the TOGETHER randomized clinical trial
G Reis, EASM Silva, DCM Silva, L Thabane, G Singh, JJH Park, JI Forrest, ...
JAMA Network Open 4 (4), e216468-e216468, 2021
O complexo de incêndios de Pedrógão Grande e concelhos limítrofes, iniciado a 17 de junho de 2017
DX Viegas, MF Almeida, LM Ribeiro, J Raposo, MT Viegas, R Oliveira, ...
ADAI-CEIF, Coimbra, 2017
An EST-based analysis identifies new genes and reveals distinctive gene expression features of Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora
JMC Mondego, RO Vidal, MF Carazzolle, EK Tokuda, LP Parizzi, ...
BMC plant biology 11, 1-23, 2011
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284–1382
PW Crous, ER Osieck, Ž Jurjević, J Boers, AL Van Iperen, ...
Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 47, 178, 2021
Euclides da Cunha, Os Sertões e a invenção de um Brasil profundo
R Oliveira
Revista Brasileira de História 22, 511-537, 2002
Análise dos Incêndios Florestais Ocorridos a 15 de outubro de 2017
DX Viegas, MF Almeida, LM Ribeiro, J Raposo, MT Viegas, R Oliveira, ...
Centro de Estudos sobre Incêndios Florestais (CEIF/ADAI/LAETA), 2019
A avaliação diagnóstica em educação física: uma abordagem prática a nível macro
F Gonçalves, M Fernandes, A Gaspar, R Oliveira, É Gouveia
Problemáticas da educação física I, 89-95, 2014
Efeito anestésico do óleo de cravo em alevinos de lambari
EMP Silva, RHF Oliveira, MAR Ribeiro, MP Coppola
Ciência Rural 39, 1851-1856, 2009
Quasinormal modes of bumblebee wormhole
R Oliveira, DM Dantas, V Santos, CAS Almeida
Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (10), 105013, 2019
Ignition of mediterranean fuel beds by several types of firebrands
DX Viegas, M Almeida, J Raposo, R Oliveira, CX Viegas
Fire Technology 50, 61-77, 2014
TOGETHER investigators. Effect of early treatment with fluvoxamine on risk of emergency care and hospitalisation among patients with COVID-19: the TOGETHER randomised, platform …
G Reis, EA Dos Santos Moreira-Silva, DCM Silva, L Thabane, ...
Lancet Glob Health 10 (1), e42-e51, 2022
Quasinormal frequencies for a black hole in a bumblebee gravity
R Oliveira, DM Dantas, CAS Almeida
Europhysics Letters 135 (1), 10003, 2021
Molecular frequency and isolation of cyst-forming coccidia from free ranging chickens in Bahia State, Brazil
IN Gonçalves, RS Uzêda, GA Lacerda, RRN Moreira, FR Araújo, ...
Veterinary Parasitology 190 (1-2), 74-79, 2012
Does grass-legume intercropping change soil quality and grain yield in integrated crop-livestock systems?
LS Silva, JV dos Santos Laroca, AP Coelho, EC Gonçalves, RP Gomes, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 170, 104257, 2022
Amor, amizade e valimento na linguagem cortesã do Antigo Regime
R Oliveira
Tempo 11, 97-120, 2006
Low-income energy affordability data (LEAD) tool methodology
O Ma, K Laymon, MH Day, R Oliveira, JD Weers, AJ Vimont
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2019
Effect of early treatment with fluvoxamine on risk of emergency care and hospitalisation among patients with COVID-19: the TOGETHER randomised, platform clinical trial. Lancet …
G Reis, EA Dos Santos Moreira-Silva, DCM Silva, L Thabane, ...
DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/S2214-109X (21), 00448-4, 2022
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