An Equilibrium Model of RJ Caballero, E Farhi, PO Gourinchas The American Economic Review 98 (1), 358-393, 2008 | 1994 | 2008 |
Collective moral hazard, maturity mismatch, and systemic bailouts E Farhi, J Tirole American Economic Review 102 (1), 60-93, 2012 | 1595 | 2012 |
Productivity and misallocation in general equilibrium DR Baqaee, E Farhi The Quarterly Journal of Economics 135 (1), 105-163, 2020 | 696 | 2020 |
The safety trap R J Caballero, E Farhi The Review of Economic Studies 85 (1), 223-274, 2018 | 689* | 2018 |
Rare disasters and exchange rates E Farhi, X Gabaix The Quarterly Journal of Economics 131 (1), 1-52, 2016 | 669 | 2016 |
Secular stagnation: facts, causes and cures R Baldwin, C Teulings London: Centre for Economic Policy Research-CEPR, 2014 | 632 | 2014 |
A theory of macroprudential policies in the presence of nominal rigidities E Farhi, I Werning Econometrica 84 (5), 1645-1704, 2016 | 580 | 2016 |
Financial crash, commodity prices and global imbalances RJ Caballero, E Farhi, PO Gourinchas National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008 | 547 | 2008 |
The macroeconomic impact of microeconomic shocks: Beyond Hulten's theorem DR Baqaee, E Farhi Econometrica 87 (4), 1155-1203, 2019 | 543 | 2019 |
Bubbly liquidity E Farhi, J Tirole The Review of economic studies 79 (2), 678-706, 2012 | 543 | 2012 |
The safe assets shortage conundrum RJ Caballero, E Farhi, PO Gourinchas Journal of economic perspectives 31 (3), 29-46, 2017 | 479 | 2017 |
Deadly embrace: Sovereign and financial balance sheets doom loops E Farhi, J Tirole The Review of Economic Studies 85 (3), 1781-1823, 2018 | 458 | 2018 |
Fiscal devaluations E Farhi, G Gopinath, O Itskhoki Review of Economic Studies 81 (2), 725-760, 2014 | 435 | 2014 |
Reconciling risk sharing with market discipline: A constructive approach to euro area reform A Bénassy-Quéré, M Brunnermeier, H Enderlein, E Farhi, C Fuest, ... Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2018 | 428 | 2018 |
Supply and Demand in Disaggregated Keynesian Economies with an Application to the Covid-19 Crisis D Baqaee, E Farhi National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series, 2020 | 418 | 2020 |
Optimal taxation with behavioral agents E Farhi, X Gabaix American Economic Review 110 (1), 298-336, 2020 | 405 | 2020 |
Fiscal unions E Farhi, I Werning American Economic Review 107 (12), 3788-3834, 2017 | 401 | 2017 |
Unconventional fiscal policy at the zero bound I Correia, E Farhi, JP Nicolini, P Teles American Economic Review 103 (4), 1172-1211, 2013 | 394 | 2013 |
Fiscal multipliers: Liquidity traps and currency unions E Farhi, I Werning Handbook of macroeconomics 2, 2417-2492, 2016 | 361 | 2016 |
Insurance and taxation over the life cycle E Farhi, I Werning Review of Economic Studies 80 (2), 596-635, 2013 | 354 | 2013 |