C Pintea
C Pintea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, IEEE, ACM, Sigma Xi
在 ieee.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Interactive machine learning: experimental evidence for the human in the algorithmic loop: A case study on Ant Colony Optimization
A Holzinger, M Plass, M Kickmeier-Rust, K Holzinger, GC Crişan, ...
Applied Intelligence 49, 2401-2414, 2019
A glass-box interactive machine learning approach for solving NP-hard problems with the human-in-the-loop
A Holzinger, M Plass, K Holzinger, GC Crisan, CM Pintea, V Palade
Creat. Math. Inform.2019,28, 121–134. [arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.01104], 2017
Towards interactive Machine Learning (iML): applying ant colony algorithms to solve the traveling salesman problem with the human-in-the-loop approach
A Holzinger, M Plass, K Holzinger, GC Crişan, CM Pintea, V Palade
Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems: IFIP WG 8.4 …, 2016
The generalized traveling salesman problem solved with ant algorithms
CM Pintea, PC Pop, C Chira
Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling 5 (1), 8, 2017
Advances in Bio-inspired Computing for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
CM Pintea
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014
An efficient Reverse Distribution System for solving sustainable supply chain network design problem
PC Pop, CM Pintea, CP Sitar, M Hajdu-Măcelaru
Journal of Applied Logic 13 (2), 105-113, 2015
Improving ant systems using a local updating rule
CM Pintea, D Dumitrescu
SYNASC 2005, 295-299, 2005
Solving the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem with an ACS‐based Algorithm
PC Pop, C Pintea, I Zelina, D Dumitrescu
BICS 2008, AIP Springer Conference Proceedings 1117 (1), 157-162, 2009
Heterogeneous sensitive ant model for combinatorial optimization
C Chira, D Dumitrescu, CM Pintea
GECCO 2008, 163-164, 2008
A hybrid ant-based system for gate Assignment Problem
CM Pintea, P Pop, C Chira, D Dumitrescu
HAIS 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5271, 273-280, 2008
A Fuzzy Approach of Sensitivity for Multiple Colonies on Ant Colony Optimization
CM Pintea, O Matei, RA Ramadan, M Pavone, M Niazi, A Taher
SOFA 2016, 2016
Sensitive Ants in Solving the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem
CM Pintea, C Chira, D Dumitrescu, PC Pop
Int J Comput Commun 6 (4), 734-741, 2011
Emergency management using geographic information systems: application to the first romanian traveling salesman problem instance
GC Crişan, CM Pintea, V Palade
Knowledge and Information Systems 50, 265-285, 2017
A Hybrid Classical Approach to a Fixed-Charged Transportation Problem
CM Pintea, C Sitar, M Hajdu-Macelaru, P Petrica
HAIS 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7208, 557-566, 2012
Learning sensitive stigmergic agents for solving complex problems
C Chira, D Dumitrescu, CM Pintea
Computing and Informatics 29 (3), 337-356, 2010
A hybrid ACO approach to the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem
CM Pintea, GC Crişan, C Chira
HAIS 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6076, 405-412, 2010
An ant-based technique for the dynamic generalized traveling salesman problem
CM Pintea, PC Pop, D Dumitrescu
7-th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation, 257-261, 2007
An improved hybrid algorithm for capacitated fixed-charge transportation problem
CM Pintea, PC Pop
Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (3), 369-378, 2015
Combining heuristics and modifying local information to guide ant-based search
CM Pintea, D Dumitrescu, PC Pop
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 94-103, 2008
Solving the linear ordering problem using ant models
C Chira, CM Pintea, GC Crisan, D Dumitrescu
GECCO 2009, 1803-1804, 2009
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