Raphael Garisoain
Raphael Garisoain
Postdoctoral researcher CRBE
在 univ-tlse3.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
A Study of Dominant Vegetation Phenology in a Sphagnum Mountain Peatland Using In Situ and Sentinel‐2 Observations
R Garisoain, C Delire, B Decharme, S Ferrant, F Granouillac, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 128 (10), e2023JG007403, 2023
About the Assessment of Cover Crop Albedo Potential Cooling Effect: Risk of the Darkening Feedback Loop Effects
G Pique, D Carrer, E Lugato, R Fieuzal, R Garisoain, E Ceschia
Remote Sensing 15 (13), 3231, 2023
Seasonality of Sphagnum LAI in a mountainous peatland (Pyrenees, France)
R Garisoain, C Delire, B Decharme, L Gandois
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-9730, 2022
Mountain peatlands and drought: Carbon cycling in the Pyrenees amidst global climate change
R Garisoain, A Jacotot, C Delire, S Binet, G Le Roux, S Gascoin, T Rosset, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129 (7), e2024JG008041, 2024
Evolution du cycle du carbone des tourbières pyrénéennes dans un contexte de changement climatique global. Observation et Modélisation.
R Garisoain
Toulouse, INPT, 2023
Une étude de la phénologie de la végétation dominante dans une tourbière à sphaignes de montagne avec Sentinel-2 et des observations
R Garisoain, C Delire, B Decharme, S Ferrant, F Granouillac, V Payre-Suc, ...
Stocks et flux de carbone de la tourbière de Bernadouze
L Gandois, F Granouillac, G Le Roux, V Payre-Suc, B Decharme, C Delire, ...
ohmpyr2022: Séminaire de restitution des projets 2019-2021 de l'OHM Pyrénées …, 2022
Analysis of the biogeochemical and biogeophysical effects of cropland management changes to prioritize actions in a perspective of climate change mitigation
E Ceschia, D Carrer, M Ferlicoq, G Pique, R Fieuzal, R Garisoain, E Azzi
Shall we consider biogeochemical and biogeophysical effects to prioritize changes in cropland management in a perspective of climate change mitigation?
E Ceschia, M Ferlicoq, D Carrer, G Pique, R Garisoain, R Fieuzal, E Azzi
Albedo & Climate change mitigation, 1-32, 2020
Using cover crops as a mitigating lever against global warming
R Garisoain, E Ceschia, D Carrer, G Pique
文章 1–10