Roman Iakymchuk
Roman Iakymchuk
Uppsala University and Umeå University
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A taxonomy of task-based parallel programming technologies for high-performance computing
P Thoman, K Dichev, T Heller, R Iakymchuk, X Aguilar, K Hasanov, ...
The Journal of Supercomputing 74 (4), 1422-1434, 2018
Numerical Reproducibility for the Parallel Reduction on Multi-and Many-Core Architectures
S Collange, D Defour, S Graillat, R Iakymchuk
Parallel Computing 49, 83-97, 2015
ExBLAS: Reproducible and Accurate BLAS Library
R Iakymchuk, S Collange, D Defour, S Graillat
Numerical Reproducibility at Exascale (NRE2015) workshop held as part of the …, 2015
Reproducibility, accuracy and performance of the Feltor code and library on parallel computer architectures
M Wiesenberger, L Einkemmer, M Held, A Gutierrez-Milla, X Sáez, ...
Computer Physics Communications 238, 145-156, 2019
HPC on competitive cloud resources
P Bientinesi, R Iakymchuk, J Napper
Handbook of Cloud Computing, 493-516, 2010
Full-speed deterministic bit-accurate parallel floating-point summation on multi-and many-core architectures
S Collange, D Defour, S Graillat, R Iakymchuk
INRIA, DALI–LIRMM, LIP6, ICS, Tech. Rep. HAL: hal-00949355, 2014
Modeling performance through memory-stalls
R Iakymchuk, P Bientinesi
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 40 (2), 86-91, 2012
Performance study of multithreaded MPI and OpenMP tasking in a large scientific code
D Akhmetova, R Iakymchuk, O Ekeberg, E Laure
2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2017
Improving high-performance computations on clouds through resource underutilization
R Iakymchuk, J Napper, P Bientinesi
proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 119-126, 2011
Convergence analysis of a two-step method for the nonlinear least squares problem with decomposition of operator
S Shakhno, R Iakymchuk, H Yarmola
Reproducible and accurate matrix multiplication
R Iakymchuk, D Defour, S Collange, S Graillat
Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics: 16th …, 2016
Reproducible triangular solvers for high-performance computing
R Iakymchuk, D Defour, C Collange, S Graillat
2015 12th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations …, 2015
A performance characterization of streaming computing on supercomputers
S Markidis, IB Peng, R Iakymchuk, E Laure, G Kestor, R Gioiosa
Procedia Computer Science 80, 98-107, 2016
Reproducibility strategies for parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient
R Iakymchuk, M Barreda, M Wiesenberger, JI Aliaga, ES Quintana-Ortí
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 371, 112697, 2020
An iterative method for solving nonlinear least squares problems with nondifferentiable operator
SM Shakhno, RP Iakymchuk, HP Yarmola
Matematychni Studii 48 (1), 97-107, 2017
Reproducibility of parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient in hybrid programming environments
R Iakymchuk, MB Vayá, S Graillat, JI Aliaga, ES Quintana-Ortí
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 34 (5 …, 2020
AllScale toolchain pilot applications: PDE based solvers using a parallel development environment
F O’Donncha, R Iakymchuk, A Akhriev, P Gschwandtner, P Thoman, ...
Computer Physics Communications 251, 107089, 2020
A reproducible accurate summation algorithm for High-Performance Computing
C Collange, D Defour, S Graillat, R Iakymchuk
EX: Exascale Applied Mathematics Challenges and Opportunities, 2014
Execution-less performance modeling
R Iakymchuk, P Bientinesi
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Performance modeling …, 2011
HPC on Competitive Cloud Resources,‖ in Handbook of Cloud Computing, B. Furht and A. Escalante, Eds
P Bientinesi, R Iakymchuk, J Napper
New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010
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