Dual polyhedra and mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in toric varieties VV Batyrev arXiv preprint alg-geom/9310003, 1993 | 1375 | 1993 |
On Calabi-Yau complete intersections in toric varieties VV Batyrev, LA Borisov Higher-dimensional complex varieties (Trento, 1994), 39-65, 1996 | 326 | 1996 |
Sur le nombre des points rationnels de hauteur borné des variétés algébriques VV Batyrev, YI Manin Mathematische Annalen 286 (1), 27-43, 1990 | 322 | 1990 |
Variations of the mixed Hodge structure of affine hypersurfaces in algebraic tori VV Batyrev | 284 | 1993 |
Quantum cohomology rings of toric manifolds VV Batyrev Math. Sciences Research Inst., 1993 | 268 | 1993 |
Strong McKay correspondence, string-theoretic Hodge numbers and mirror symmetry VV Batyrev, DI Dais Topology 35 (4), 901-929, 1996 | 262 | 1996 |
On the Hodge structure of projective hypersurfaces in toric varieties VV Batyrev, DA Cox | 258 | 1994 |
Stringy Hodge numbers of varieties with Gorenstein canonical singularities VV Batyrev arXiv preprint alg-geom/9711008, 1997 | 238 | 1997 |
Generalized hypergeometric functions and rational curves on Calabi-Yau complete intersections in toric varieties VV Batyrev, D Van Straten Communications in mathematical physics 168, 493-533, 1995 | 233 | 1995 |
Non-Archimedean integrals and stringy Euler numbers of log-terminal pairs VV Batyrev Journal of the European Mathematical Society 1, 5-33, 1999 | 219 | 1999 |
Manin's conjecture for toric varieties VV Batyrev, Y Tschinkel arXiv preprint alg-geom/9510014, 1995 | 209 | 1995 |
Mirror duality and string-theoretic Hodge numbers VV Batyrev, LA Borisov Inventiones mathematicae 126 (1), 183-203, 1996 | 206 | 1996 |
On the classification of toric Fano 4-folds VV Batyrev Journal of Mathematical Sciences 94, 1021-1050, 1999 | 195 | 1999 |
Conifold transitions and mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau complete intersections in Grassmannians VV Batyrev, I Ciocan-Fontanine, B Kim, D Van Straten Nuclear Physics B 514 (3), 640-666, 1998 | 192 | 1998 |
Birational Calabi--Yau n-folds have equal Betti numbers VV Batyrev arXiv preprint alg-geom/9710020, 1997 | 192 | 1997 |
Dual cones and mirror symmetry for generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds VV Batyrev, LA Borisov arXiv preprint alg-geom/9402002, 71-86, 1997 | 172 | 1997 |
Mirror symmetry and toric degenerations of partial flag manifolds VV Batyrev, I Ciocan-Fontanine, B Kim, D Straten | 170 | 2000 |
On the classification of smooth projective toric varieties VV Batyrev Tohoku Mathematical Journal, Second Series 43 (4), 569-585, 1991 | 169 | 1991 |
Tamagawa numbers of polarized algebraic varieties VV Batyrev, Y Tschinkel arXiv preprint alg-geom/9712002, 1997 | 145 | 1997 |
Rational points of bounded height on compactifications of anisotropic tori VV Batyrev, Y Tschinkel arXiv preprint alg-geom/9411009, 1994 | 132 | 1994 |