David Pelletier
David Pelletier
Cegep de Rimouski - Universite du Quebec a Rimouski
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Flightlessness and the energetic cost of wing molt in a large sea duck
M Guillemette, D Pelletier, JM Grandbois, PJ Butler
Ecology 88 (11), 2936-2945, 2007
To fly or not to fly: high flight costs in a large sea duck do not imply an expensive lifestyle
D Pelletier, M Guillemette, JM Grandbois, PJ Butler
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1647), 2117-2124, 2008
Does hyperthermia constrain flight duration in a short-distance migrant?
M Guillemette, AJ Woakes, J Larochelle, ET Polymeropoulos, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Breeding failure of seabirds in relation to fish depletion: Is there one universal threshold of food abundance?
M Guillemette, F Grégoire, D Bouillet, JF Rail, F Bolduc, A Caron, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 587, 235-245, 2018
It is time to move: linking flight and foraging behaviour in a diving bird
D Pelletier, M Guillemette, JM Grandbois, PJ Butler
Biology Letters 3 (4), 357-359, 2007
So far, so good… Similar fitness consequences and overall energetic costs for short and long-distance migrants in a seabird
D Pelletier, Y Seyer, S Garthe, S Bonnefoi, RA Phillips, M Guillemette
PLOS ONE 15 (3), e0230262, 2020
An investigation of physiological effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on a long-distance migratory seabird, the northern gannet
L Champoux, JF Rail, M Houde, M Giraudo, É Lacaze, CD Franci, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 153, 110953, 2020
Extreme event in a changing ocean climate: warm-water perturbation of 2012 influences breeding gannets and other marine animals in the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of St Lawrence
B Montevecchi, J Chardine, JF Rail, S Garthe, D Pelletier, P Regular, ...
The Osprey 44, 14-19, 2013
Times and partners are a-changin’: relationships between declining food abundance, breeding success, and divorce in a monogamous seabird species
D Pelletier, M Guillemette
PeerJ 10, e13073, 2022
It takes time to be cool: On the relationship between hyperthermia and body cooling in a migrating seaduck
M Guillemette, ET Polymeropoulos, SJ Portugal, D Pelletier
Frontiers in Physiology 8, 532, 2017
Étude à long terme du comportement et de l'énergétique du vol chez l'Eider à duvet (Somateria mollissima) en milieu naturel
D Pelletier
Université du Québec à Rimouski, 2006
Good times bad times—Unfavorable breeding conditions, more than divorce, lead to increased parental effort and reduced physiological condition of northern gannets
D Pelletier, P Blier, F Vezina, M Guillemette
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 171, 2023
Egg-laying increases body temperature to an annual maximum in a wild bird
M Guillemette, D Pelletier
Scientific Reports 12 (1681), 1-11, 2022
Compound-specific stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids shows that bulk methods provide higher estimates of mercury biomagnification in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
RM Lacombe, BD Barst, D Pelletier, M Guillemette, M Amyot, RA Lavoie, ...
Environmental Pollution 340, 122769, 2024
Under pressure—exploring partner changes, physiological responses and telomere dynamics in northern gannets across varying breeding conditions
D Pelletier, PU Blier, F Vézina, F Dufresne, F Paquin, F Christen, ...
PeerJ 11, e16457, 2023
Extreme Event in a Changing Ocean Climate
B Montevecchi, J Chardine, JF Rail, S Garthe, D Pelletier
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