Stefano Maci
Stefano Maci
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Current developments on fish-based indices to assess ecological-quality status of estuaries and lagoons
R Pérez-Domínguez, S Maci, A Courrat, M Lepage, A Borja, A Uriarte, ...
Ecological Indicators 23, 34-45, 2012
Composition, structural characteristics and temporal patterns of fish assemblages in non-tidal Mediterranean lagoons: A case study
S Maci, A Basset
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 83 (4), 602-612, 2009
Cross-validation of δ15N and FishBase estimates of fish trophic position in a Mediterranean lagoon: the importance of the isotopic baseline
G Mancinelli, S Vizzini, A Mazzola, S Maci, A Basset
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 135, 77-85, 2013
Habitat types and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in a transitional water ecosystem: Alimini Grande (Puglia, Italy)
N Galuppo, S Maci, M Pinna, A Basset
Transitional Waters Bulletin 1 (4), 9-19, 2007
Numerical modelling of MCFC cathode degradation in terms of morphological variations
B Bozzini, S Maci, I Sgura, RL Presti, E Simonetti
International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (16), 10403-10413, 2011
Spatio-temporal patterns of abundance, size structure and body condition of Atherina boyeri (Pisces: Atherinidae) in a small non-tidal Mediterranean lagoon
S Maci, A Basset
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 87 (1), 125-134, 2010
Length-weight relationships for 24 selected fish species from a non-tidal lagoon of the southern Adriatic Sea (Italy)
S Maci, E Longo, A Basset
Transitional Waters Bulletin 3 (3), 1-9, 2012
Comparisons of genotype-tolerance responses in populations of Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae) exposed to copper stress
M Virgilio, S Maci, M Abbiati
Marine biology 147, 1305-1312, 2005
Trace metal contamination in a Mediterranean coastal pond (Acquatina, Puglia)
C Tramati, S Vizzini, S Maci, A Basset, A Mazzola
Transitional Waters Bulletin 5 (2), 124-137, 2012
Review of fish-based indices to assess ecological quality condition in transitional waters
R Perez-Dominguez, S Maci, A Courrat, A Borja, J Neto, M Elliott
WISER deliverable, 2010
Deliverable D4. 4-1: Review of fish-based indices to assess ecological quality condition in transitional waters
R Pérez-Domínguez, S Maci, A Courrat, A Borja, J Neto, M Elliot
Wiser 4, 4-1, 2009
Studio sul comportamento all’ossidazione ad alta temperatura di rivestimenti di CoCrTaAlY+ 10% Al2O3 depositati con tecnologia hvof su superlega di Nichel
E Cerri, S Maci, P Leo, G Zanon, MR Petrachi
La metallurgia italiana, 2013
High temperature oxidation behaviour of CoCrTaAlY+ 10% Al2O3 coatings produced by HVOF
E Cerri, S Maci, P Leo, G Zanon, MR Petrachi
Metall. Ital 105, 13-20, 2013
Fish communities of coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean Sea supporting the application of the European Water Framework Directive
R D'Adamo, C Manzo, A Fabbrocini, S Maci, E Barbone, A Basset
IV European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research, 14-18, 2009
Acquatina Lagoon: a model ecosystem to study community patterns
A Basset, S Maci, A Mazzola, I Rosati, L Roselli, C Tramati, S Vizzini, ...
VI EUROLAG & VII LAGUNET Conference, 64-65, 2013
Développements actuels sur les indices basés sur les poissons pour l'évaluation de l'état de qualité écologique des estuaires et des lagunes
R Perez Dominguez, S Maci, A Courrat, M Lepage, A Borja, A Uriarte, ...
The trophic structure of a fish assemblage in a non-tidal Mediterranean Lagoon: integrating data from the Fishbase information system with results from stable isotopes analysis
G Mancinelli, S Maci, S Vizzini, A Mazzola, A Basset
XX Congresso SItE, Roma 27-30 Settembre 2010, 26-26, 2010
L'utilisation d'indices basés sur les poissons pour évaluer la qualité écologique des systèmes estuariens
R Perez Dominguez, M Elliott, S Maci, A Courrat, A Borja, JM Neto
Rendu D4. 4-1 de Wiser: Bilan des indicateurs poissons pour l'évaluation de la qualité écologique des eaux de transition
R Perez Dominguez, S Maci, A Courrat, A Borja, J Neto, M Elliott
Using web-based information systems and stable isotopes analysis to investigate the trophic structure of a fish assemblage in a Mediterranean lagoon
G Mancinelli, S Maci, S Vizzini, A Mazzola, A Basset
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