Allison M. Ellis
Navigating uncharted waters: Newcomer socialization through the lens of stress theory
AM Ellis, TN Bauer, LR Mansfield, B Erdogan, DM Truxillo, LS Simon
Journal of Management 41 (1), 203-235, 2015
Newcomer adjustment: Examining the role of managers’ perception of newcomer proactive behavior during organizational socialization.
AM Ellis, SS Nifadkar, TN Bauer, B Erdogan
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (6), 993, 2017
Embracing work breaks
C Fritz, AM Ellis, CA Demsky, BC Lin, F Guros
Organizational Dynamics 42 (4), 274-280, 2013
Shrugging it off: Does psychological detachment from work mediate the relationship between workplace aggression and work-family conflict?
CA Demsky, AM Ellis, C Fritz
Journal of occupational health psychology 19 (2), 195, 2014
Perceived overqualification at work: Implications for extra-role behaviors and advice network centrality
B Erdogan, A Karaeminogullari, TN Bauer, AM Ellis
Journal of Management 46 (4), 583-606, 2020
Daily perceptions of relationship quality with leaders: implications for follower well-being
AM Ellis, TN Bauer, B Erdogan, DM Truxillo
Work & Stress 33 (2), 119-136, 2019
New employee organizational socialization
AM Ellis, TN Bauer, B Erdogan
Handbook of socialization: Theory and research 301, 2014
Jump-starting the socialization experience: The longitudinal role of day 1 newcomer resources on adjustment
TN Bauer, B Erdogan, D Caughlin, AM Ellis, J Kurkoski
Journal of Management 47 (8), 2226-2261, 2021
Your new hires won’t succeed unless you onboard them properly
AM Ellis, SS Nifadkar, TN Bauer, B Erdogan
Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2-4, 2017
Setting the foundation for well-being: evaluation of a supervisor-focused mental health training
AM Ellis, TW Casey, AD Krauss
Occupational Health Science 1, 67-88, 2017
Organizational policies supportive of work–life integration
LB Hammer, SE Van Dyck, AM Ellis
Handbook of Work–Life Integration Among Professionals, 288-309, 2013
Crossover of daily job stressors among dual‐career couples: A dyadic examination
Z Chen, AM Ellis
Journal of Organizational Behavior 42 (5), 668-683, 2021
How do we get new entrants ‘on board’? Organizational socialization, psychological contracts, and realistic job previews
AM Ellis, TN Bauer
An introduction to work and organizational psychology: An international …, 2017
Is it my job? Leaders' family-supportive role perceptions
AM Ellis, TL Crain, SC Stevens
Journal of Managerial Psychology 37 (2), 125-138, 2022
The role of psychological resources in the relationship between work stressors and proactive behavior
AM Ellis
Portland State University, 2012
Examining managers’ perception of newcomer proactive behavior during organizational socialization
A Ellis, S Nifadkar, TN Bauer, B Erdogan
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 10592, 2017
A marathon, not a sprint: The benefits of taking time to recover from work demands
C Fritz, AM Ellis
Building resources at home and at work: Day-level relationships between job crafting, recovery experiences, and work engagement
AM Ellis
Portland State University, 2015
Creating sustained change: Avoiding derailment during the last stage of a wellbeing intervention
AM Ellis, AD Krauss
Derailed Organizational Interventions for Stress and Well-Being: Confessions …, 2015
Newcomer work-to-nonwork conflict to withdrawal via work-to-nonwork self-efficacy: The buffering role of family supportive supervisor behavior
AM Ellis, TN Bauer, TL Crain
Journal of Vocational Behavior 144, 103895, 2023
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