Mario Demofilo Albaladejo Saura
Mario Demofilo Albaladejo Saura
Cátedra Internacional de Cineantropometría, UCAM
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Relationship between biological maturation, physical fitness, and kinanthropometric variables of young athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
M Albaladejo-Saura, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, N González-Gálvez, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (1), 328, 2021
The effect of age, biological maturation and birth quartile in the kinanthropometric and physical fitness differences between male and female adolescent volleyball players
M Albaladejo-Saura, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, JA García-Roca, ...
Children 9 (1), 58, 2022
Differences in fat mass estimation formulas in physically active adult population and relationship with sums of skinfolds
R Vaquero-Cristóbal, M Albaladejo-Saura, AE Luna-Badachi, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (21), 7777, 2020
Influence of biological maturation status on selected anthropometric and physical fitness variables in adolescent male volleyball players
M Albaladejo-Saura, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, JA García-Roca, ...
PeerJ 10, e13216, 2022
Back pain related with age, anthropometric variables, sagittal spinal curvatures, hamstring extensibility, physical activity and health related quality of life in male and …
N González-Gálvez, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, A López-Vivancos, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (19), 7293, 2020
Differences between four skinfold calipers in the assessment of adipose tissue in young adult healthy population
F Esparza-Ros, AC Moreira, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, C Barrigas, ...
Nutrients 14 (10), 2085, 2022
Influence of maturity status on kinanthropometric and physical fitness variables in adolescent female volleyball players
M Albaladejo-Saura, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, JA García-Roca, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (9), 4400, 2022
Influence of an educational innovation program and digitally supported tasks on psychological aspects, motivational climate, and academic performance
R Vaquero-Cristóbal, L Abenza-Cano, M Albaladejo-Saura, L Meroño, ...
Education Sciences 11 (12), 821, 2021
Hamstring extensibility differences among elite adolescent and young dancers of different dance styles and non-dancers
R Vaquero-Cristóbal, P Molina-Castillo, PA López-Miñarro, ...
PeerJ 8, e9237, 2020
Efecto del entrenamiento en pretemporada en las variables antropométricas y derivadas en jugadores de baloncesto de élite
M Albaladejo, RV Cristobal, FE Ros
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 474-479, 2019
Agreement and differences between fat estimation formulas using kinanthropometry in a physically active population
M Mecherques-Carini, F Esparza-Ros, M Albaladejo-Saura, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (24), 13043, 2022
Mandatory after-school use of step tracker apps improves physical activity, body composition and fitness of adolescents
A Mateo-Orcajada, L Abenza-Cano, MD Albaladejo-Saura, ...
Education and Information Technologies 28 (8), 10235-10266, 2023
Relación entre práctica de actividad física en el tiempo libre y rendimiento académico en alumnos (as) de 5° de Primaria a 4° de ESO
M Isorna-Folgar, M Albaladejo-Saura, A Rial-Boubeta, ...
Global Health Promotion 30 (2), 71-85, 2023
Evolución de las variables antropométricas en relación con los parámetros de entrenamiento y nutricionales en corredores de ultrarresistencia de montaña
R Vaquero-Cristóbal, JA García-Roca, M Albaladejo, ...
Nutrición Hospitalaria 36 (3), 706-713, 2019
Effect of preseason training on anthropometric and derived variables in professional basketball players
M Albaladejo, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, F Esparza-Ros
Retos 2041 (36), 474-9, 2019
Effects of a Pilates programme in spinal curvatures and hamstring extensibility in adolescents with thoracic hyperkyphosis: a randomised controlled trial
N González-Gálvez, PJ Marcos-Pardo, M Albaladejo-Saura, ...
Postgraduate medical journal 99 (1171), 433-441, 2023
Methods for estimating biological maturation in developing and growing athletes: A literature review
M Albaladejo Saura, R Vaquero Cristóbal, F Esparza Ros
Cultura_Ciencia_Deporte [CCD] 17 (53), 2022
Métodos de estimación de la maduración biológica en deportistas en etapa de desarrollo y crecimiento: Revisión bibliográfica
M Albaladejo-Saura, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, F Esparza-Ros
Cult. Cienc. Y Deporte 17, 55-64, 2022
Effect of an injury prevention program on the lower limb stability in young volleyball players.
M Albaladejo-Saura, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, PJ Marcos-Pardo, ...
The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 61 (7), 943-952, 2020
Effect of pre-season and in-season training on anthropometric variables, somatotype, body composition and body proportion in elite basketball players
AS Díaz-Martínez, R Vaquero-Cristóbal, M Albaladejo-Saura, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 7537, 2024
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