Measurement equivalence in cross-national research E Davidov, B Meuleman, J Cieciuch, P Schmidt, J Billiet Annual review of sociology 40 (1), 55-75, 2014 | 873 | 2014 |
Changing attitudes toward immigration in Europe, 2002–2007: A dynamic group conflict theory approach B Meuleman, E Davidov, J Billiet Social science research 38 (2), 352-365, 2009 | 710 | 2009 |
Modeling acquiescence in measurement models for two balanced sets of items JB Billiet, MKJ McClendon Structural equation modeling 7 (4), 608-628, 2000 | 476 | 2000 |
Values and support for immigration: A cross-country comparison E Davidov, B Meuleman, J Billiet, P Schmidt European sociological review 24 (5), 583-599, 2008 | 434 | 2008 |
Improving survey response: Lessons learned from the European Social Survey IAL Stoop, J Billiet, A Koch, R Fitzgerald John Wiley & Sons, 2010 | 372 | 2010 |
Cross-cultural analysis B Meuleman Routledge Academic, 2012 | 294 | 2012 |
A Monte Carlo sample size study: How many countries are needed for accurate multilevel SEM? B Meuleman, J Billiet Survey Research Methods 3 (1), 45-58, 2009 | 279 | 2009 |
Attitudinal dispositions to vote for a ‘new’extreme right‐wing party: The case of ‘Vlaams Blok’ J Billiet, H De Witte European Journal of Political Research 27 (2), 181-202, 1995 | 277 | 1995 |
Een samenleving onderzocht: methoden van sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek J Billiet, H Waege De Boeck, 2003 | 241 | 2003 |
Does Belgium (still) exist? Differences in political culture between Flemings and Walloons J Billiet, B Maddens, AP Frognier The politics of Belgium, 50-70, 2013 | 231 | 2013 |
The relationship between ethnic threat and economic insecurity in times of economic crisis: Analysis of European Social Survey data J Billiet, B Meuleman, H De Witte Migration Studies 2 (2), 135-161, 2014 | 227 | 2014 |
National identity and attitude toward foreigners in a multinational state: A replication J Billiet, B Maddens, R Beerten Political psychology 24 (2), 241-257, 2003 | 226 | 2003 |
Adjustment for acquiescence in the assessment of the construct equivalence of Likert-type score items J Welkenhuysen-Gybels, J Billiet, B Cambré Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 34 (6), 702-722, 2003 | 208 | 2003 |
Satisficing among reluctant respondents in a cross-national context O Kaminska, AL McCutcheon, J Billiet Public Opinion Quarterly 74 (5), 956-984, 2010 | 207 | 2010 |
Cross-cultural equivalence with structural equation modeling J Billiet Cross-cultural survey methods, 247-264, 2003 | 188 | 2003 |
Improvement of the quality of responses to factual survey questions by interviewer training J Billiet, G Loosveldt Public Opinion Quarterly 52 (2), 190-211, 1988 | 181 | 1988 |
National identity and the attitude towards foreigners in multi-national states: The case of Belgium B Maddens, J Billiet, R Beerten Journal of ethnic and migration studies 26 (1), 45-60, 2000 | 174 | 2000 |
Testing the stability of an acquiescence style factor behind two interrelated substantive variables in a panel design JB Billiet, E Davidov Sociological Methods & Research 36 (4), 542-562, 2008 | 171 | 2008 |
Item nonresponse as a predictor of unit nonresponse in a panel survey G Loosveldt, J Billiet Journal of Official Statistics 18 (4), 545, 2002 | 135 | 2002 |
Methoden van sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek: ontwerp en dataverzameling J Billiet Acco; Leuven, 1990 | 115 | 1990 |