Kevin Bastian
Kevin Bastian
Research Associate Professor, Director of the Education Policy Initiative at Carolina
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Stayers and leavers: Early-career teacher effectiveness and attrition
GT Henry, KC Bastian, CK Fortner
Educational Researcher 40 (6), 271-280, 2011
Connecting teacher preparation to teacher induction: Outcomes for beginning teachers in a university-based support program in low-performing schools
KC Bastian, JT Marks
American educational research journal 54 (2), 360-394, 2017
The effects of teacher entry portals on student achievement
GT Henry, KM Purtell, KC Bastian, CK Fortner, CL Thompson, ...
Journal of Teacher Education 65 (1), 7-23, 2014
The effects of experience and attrition for novice high-school science and mathematics teachers
GT Henry, CK Fortner, KC Bastian
Science 335 (6072), 1118-1121, 2012
Scholarships to recruit the “best and brightest” into teaching: Who is recruited, where do they teach, how effective are they, and how long do they stay?
GT Henry, KC Bastian, AA Smith
Educational Researcher 41 (3), 83-92, 2012
A temperament for teaching? Associations between personality traits and beginning teacher performance and retention
KC Bastian, DM McCord, JT Marks, D Carpenter
Aera Open 3 (1), 2332858416684764, 2017
The apprentice: Pathways to the principalship and student achievement
KC Bastian, GT Henry
Educational Administration Quarterly 51 (4), 600-639, 2015
Teacher preparation policies and their effects on student achievement
GT Henry, KC Bastian, CK Fortner, DC Kershaw, KM Purtell, ...
Education Finance and Policy 9 (3), 264-303, 2014
Teacher candidate performance assessments: Local scoring and implications for teacher preparation program improvement
KC Bastian, GT Henry, Y Pan, D Lys
Teaching and Teacher Education 59, 1-12, 2016
A framework for improvement: Analyzing performance-assessment scores for evidence-based teacher preparation program reforms
KC Bastian, D Lys, Y Pan
Journal of Teacher Education 69 (5), 448-462, 2018
Evaluating teacher preparation programs with teacher evaluation ratings: Implications for program accountability and improvement
KC Bastian, KM Patterson, Y Pan
Journal of Teacher Education 69 (5), 429-447, 2018
The Importance of Teaching and Learning Conditions: Infuences on Teacher Retention and School Performance in North Carolina. Research Brief.
B Berry, KC Bastian, L Darling-Hammond, T Kini
Learning Policy Institute, 2021
Placed for success: Which teachers benefit from high-quality student teaching placements?
KC Bastian, KM Patterson, D Carpenter
Educational Policy 36 (7), 1583-1611, 2022
Teachers without borders: Consequences of teacher labor force mobility
KC Bastian, GT Henry
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 37 (2), 163-183, 2015
Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) and student outcomes in elementary and middle schools
P Akos, KC Bastian, T Domina, LMM de Luna
Professional School Counseling 22 (1), 2156759X19869933, 2019
Learning by doing: The characteristics, effectiveness, and persistence of teachers who were teaching assistants first
CK Fortner, DC Kershaw, KC Bastian, HH Lynn
Teachers College Record 117 (11), 1-30, 2015
Portal report: Teacher preparation and student test scores in North Carolina
GT Henry, CL Thompson, KC Bastian, CK Fortner, DC Kershaw, ...
Carolina Institute for Public Policy, 2010
What do surveys of program completers tell us about teacher preparation quality?
KC Bastian, M Sun, H Lynn
Journal of Teacher Education 72 (1), 11-26, 2021
Educator Supply, Demand, and Quality in North Carolina: Current Status and Recommendations. Sound Basic Education for All: An Action Plan for North Carolina.
L Darling-Hammond, KC Bastian, B Berry, D Carver-Thomas, T Kini, ...
Learning Policy Institute, 2019
Answering the bell: High school start times and student academic outcomes
KC Bastian, SC Fuller
AERA Open 4 (4), 2332858418812424, 2018
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