Characterization of bioplastic packaging from tapioca flour modified with the addition of chitosan and fish bone gelatin S Susilawati, I Rostini, RI Pratama, E Rochima World Scientific News, 85-98, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia based on their characteristics at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Indonesia NB Nurani, FA Kadi, T Rostini Althea Medical Journal 4 (3), 431-434, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Performans produksi, jumlah nematoda usus, dan profil metabolik darah kambing yang diberi pakan hijauan rawa Kalimantan T Rostini, I Zakir Jurnal Veteriner 18 (3), 469-477, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Utilization of swamp forages from south kalimantan on local goat performances T Rostini, L Abdullah, KG Wiryawan, PDMH Karti Media Peternakan 37 (1), 50-50, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Analisis Vegetasi Hijauan Pakan Ternak di Area Integrasi dan Non Integrasi Sapi dan Sawit T Rostini, S Djaya, R Adawiyah Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 15 (2), 155-161, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
The Effect Of Protease Enzyme Supplementation to Productivity Eggs Of Alabio Duck TR Danang Biyatmoko International Journal of Biociensis 8 (2), 202-208, 2016 | 19* | 2016 |
Differences in chemical composition and nutrient quality of swamp forage ensiled. T Rostini | 19 | 2014 |
Pengaruh pemberian pupuk bokashi yang berbeda terhadap kandungan protein dan serat kasar rumput gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) T Rostini, GK Ni'mah, S Sosilawati Ziraa'ah Majalah Ilmiah Pertanian 41 (1), 118-126, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
Produktivitas dan pemanfaatan tumbuhan rawa di Kalimantan Selatan sebagai Hijauan Pakan berkelanjutan T Rostini IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Production and nutrition potency of swamp local forage in South Kalimantan as ruminant feed KP Rostini T, Abdullah L, Wiryawan KG Global Journal of Animal Science, Livestock Production and Animal Breeding 2 …, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
The Effect Storage Of Quality And Physical Wafer Forage Complete Based Waste Oil Palm T Rostini International Journal Advan Research 5 (4), 1164-1170, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Characterization of edible film from catfish (Pangasius sp.) surimi waste water with the addition sorbitol as plasticizer MR Tanjung, I Rostini, RM Ismail, RI Pratama World News of Natural Sciences 28, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Effect of steaming on physical and chemical characteristics White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) from Indramayu Waters I Rostini, RI Pratama IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 176 (1), 012046, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Inoculan Differences in the Quality of Physical and Nutrition Quality Palm Fermentation Fronds as Animal Feed T Rostini Interntional journal of agriculture and veterinary sciences 10 (1), 29-32, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Is Green Manure (Azolla pinnata and Sesbania rostrata) a Climate-Resilient Strategy for Rice Farming? MK Prayoga, N Rostini, T Simarmata, MR Setiawati, S Stoeber, K Adinata Climate Change, Hazards and Adaptation Options: Handling the Impacts of a …, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
The compatibility measurement of Mentzer, England & Fraser, Shine & Lal, and Srivastava indices to the hemoglobin electrophoresis result for beta thalassemia trait screening RIM Harahap, D Prihatni, T Rostini bmj 8, 1457, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Optimalisasi pemanfaatan limbah perkebunan sawit sebagai pakan ternak melalui teknologi wafer hijauan komplit T Rostini, D Biyatmoko, A Jaelani, I Zakir Prosiding. Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian, 1276-1281, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Characteristics and nutrition silage duckweed (family Lemnacea) addition with different additives. A Jaelani, S Djaya, T Rostini | 9 | 2014 |
Pengaruh lama fermentasi terhadap karakteristik, kandungan protein dan serat kasar tongkol jagung T Rostini, A Jaelani, M Ali Ziraa'ah Majalah Ilmiah Pertanian 47 (2), 257-266, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Pengaruh Penambahan Suplemen Organik Cair (SOC)® dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Derajat Keasaman (Ph) Dan Kualitas Fisik Pada Silase Batang Pisang (Musa Paradisiaca L.) A Jaelani, T Rostini, M Misransyah Ziraa'ah Majalah Ilmiah Pertanian 43 (3), 312-320, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |