Anthony W. Gummer
Gene disruption of p27Kip1 allows cell proliferation in the postnatal and adult organ of Corti
H Löwenheim, DN Furness, J Kil, C Zinn, K Gültig, ML Fero, D Frost, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (7), 4084-4088, 1999
Limiting dynamics of high-frequency electromechanical transduction of outer hair cells
G Frank, W Hemmert, AW Gummer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (8), 4420-4425, 1999
Resonant tectorial membrane motion in the inner ear: its crucial role in frequency tuning.
AW Gummer, W Hemmert, HP Zenner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (16), 8727-8732, 1996
Nanomechanics of the subtectorial space caused by electromechanics of cochlear outer hair cells
M Nowotny, AW Gummer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (7), 2120-2125, 2006
Reciprocal electromechanical properties of rat prestin: the motor molecule from rat outer hair cells
J Ludwig, D Oliver, G Frank, N Klöcker, AW Gummer, B Fakler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (7), 4178-4183, 2001
Basilar membrane motion in the pigeon measured with the Mössbauer technique
AW Gummer, JWT Smolders, R Klinke
Hearing research 29 (1), 63-92, 1987
Evidence for active, nonlinear, negative feedback in the vibration response of the apical region of the in-vivo guinea-pig cochlea
C Zinn, H Maier, HP Zenner, AW Gummer
Hearing research 142 (1-2), 159-183, 2000
Direct measurement of basilar membrane stiffness in the guinea pig
AW Gummer, BM Johnstone, NJ Armstrong
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 70 (5), 1298-1309, 1981
Three-dimensional motion of the organ of Corti
W Hemmert, HP Zenner, AW Gummer
Biophysical journal 78 (5), 2285-2297, 2000
Evidence for opening of hair-cell transducer channels after tip-link loss
J Meyer, DN Furness, HP Zenner, CM Hackney, AW Gummer
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (17), 6748-6756, 1998
Patterned neural activity in brain stem auditory areas of a prehearing mammal, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
AW Gummer, RF Mark
Neuroreport 5 (6), 685-688, 1994
Receptor Potential of Outer Hair Cell Isolated from Base to Apex of the Adult Guinea-Pig Cochlea: Implications for Cochlear Tuning Mechanism
S Preyer
Aud. Neurosci. 2, 145-157, 1996
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions measured as vibration on the eardrum of human subjects
E Dalhoff, D Turcanu, HP Zenner, AW Gummer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (5), 1546-1551, 2007
Impedance analysis of the organ of Corti with magnetically actuated probes
MP Scherer, AW Gummer
Biophysical journal 87 (2), 1378-1391, 2004
Influence of temperature on tuning of primary-like units in the guinea pig cochlear nucleus
AW Gummer, R Klinke
Hearing research 12 (3), 367-380, 1983
Laservibrometrie Ein Mittelohr-und Kochleaanalysator zur nicht-invasiven Untersuchung von Mittel-und Innenohrfunktionsstörungen: Ein Mittelohr-und Kochleaanalysator zur nicht …
J Rodriguez Jorge, HP Zenner, W Hemmert, C Burkhardt, AW Gummer
HNO 45, 997-1007, 1997
Extraction of sources of distortion product otoacoustic emissions by onset-decomposition
A Vetešník, D Turcanu, E Dalhoff, AW Gummer
Hearing Research 256 (1-2), 21-38, 2009
Vibration pattern of the organ of Corti up to 50 kHz: evidence for resonant electromechanical force
MP Scherer, AW Gummer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (51), 17652-17657, 2004
Nonlinearity of mechanoelectrical transduction of outer hair cells as the source of nonlinear basilar-membrane motion and loudness recruitment
S Preyer, AW Gummer
Audiology and Neurotology 1 (1), 3-11, 1996
Pronounced infracuticular endocytosis in mammalian outer hair cells
J Meyer, AF Mack, AW Gummer
Hearing research 161 (1-2), 10-22, 2001
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