Simultaneous profiling and cultivation of the skin microbiome of healthy young adult skin for the development of therapeutic agents AS Khayyira, AE Rosdina, MI Irianti, A Malik Heliyon 6 (4), e03700, 2020 | 35 | 2020 |
Rapid PCR–based detection optimization of porcine dna in gelatin capsule shell AS Khayyira, VM Estepane, A Malik International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 10 (6), 217-223, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Bioactive fractions from Streptococcus macedonicus MBF 10-2 produced in an optimized plant-based peptone medium AA Musnadi, AS Khayyira, A Malik Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 32 (1), 52-63, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Skin microbiome profiling and cultivation of healthy adult Indonesian skin A Malik, AS Khayyira, AE Rosdina, MI Irianti Access Microbiology 2 (7A), 79, 2020 | | 2020 |
LISAT BAKTERIOSIN Streptococcus macedonicus MBF10-2 YANG DIBUAT DALAM MEDIUM MRS PEPTON KEDELAI A Malik, AS Khayyira, D Andyanti, FM Dani, YW Susanto, FF Nasution | | 2019 |
Protokol Ekstraksi Fragmen DNA Porsin Yang Efektif Dari Cangkang Kapsul dan Deteksi Cepatnya Dengan Polymerase Chain Reaction A Malik, AS Khayyira, AI Saskia, A Yanuar, A Karunia, VM Estepane | | 2018 |