Joe Johnston
Joe Johnston
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The prevalence of chronic pain in United States adults: Results of an Internet-based survey
DRH Johannes CB, Zhou X, Lee TK, Johnston JA
J Pain 11 (11), 1230-39, 2010
A literature review on the representativeness of randomized controlled trial samples and implications for the external validity of trial results
T Kennedy-Martin, S Curtis, D Faries, S Robinson, J Johnston
Trials 16, 1-14, 2015
The prevalence and effects of adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder on work performance in a nationally representative sample of workers
RC Kessler, L Adler, M Ames, RA Barkley, H Birnbaum, P Greenberg, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 47 (6), 565-572, 2005
Hospitalized cancer patients with severe sepsis: analysis of incidence, mortality, and associated costs of care
MD Williams, LA Braun, LM Cooper, J Johnston, RV Weiss, RL Qualy, ...
Critical care 8, 1-8, 2004
Functional and psychosocial impairment in adults with undiagnosed ADHD
SL Able, JA Johnston, LA Adler, RW Swindle
Psychological medicine 37 (1), 97-107, 2007
Relationship between muscle mass and muscle strength, and the impact of comorbidities: a population-based, cross-sectional study of older adults in the United States
L Chen, DR Nelson, Y Zhao, Z Cui, JA Johnston
BMC geriatrics 13, 1-8, 2013
Validation of the adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder quality-of-life Scale (AAQoL): a disease-specific quality-of-life measure
M Brod, J Johnston, S Able, R Swindle
Quality of life research 15, 117-129, 2006
Toward mapping daily challenges of living with ADHD: Maternal and child perspectives using electronic diaries
CK Whalen, B Henker, LD Jamner, SS Ishikawa, JN Floro, R Swindle, ...
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 34, 111-126, 2006
36th international symposium on intensive care and emergency medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 15-18 March 2016
RM Bateman, MD Sharpe, JE Jagger, CG Ellis, J Solé-Violán, ...
Critical care 20, 13-182, 2016
Conceptualization and assessment of quality of life for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
M Brod, A Perwien, L Adler, T Spencer, J Johnston
Primary Psychiatry 12 (6), 58-64, 2005
Impact of different measures of comorbid disease on predicted mortality of intensive care unit patients
JA Johnston, DP Wagner, S Timmons, D Welsh, J Tsevat, ML Render
Medical care 40 (10), 929-940, 2002
Social and emotional difficulties in children with ADHD and the impact on school attendance and healthcare utilization
P Classi, D Milton, S Ward, K Sarsour, J Johnston
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 6, 1-8, 2012
The effects of incident and persistent behavioral problems on change in caregiver burden and nursing home admission of persons with dementia
JE Gaugler, MM Wall, RL Kane, JS Menk, K Sarsour, JA Johnston, ...
Medical care 48 (10), 875-883, 2010
Outcomes after carotid artery stenting in Medicare beneficiaries, 2005 to 2009
JJ Jalbert, LL Nguyen, MD Gerhard-Herman, MR Jaff, CJ White, ...
JAMA neurology 72 (3), 276-286, 2015
Automated intensive care unit risk adjustment: results from a National Veterans Affairs study
ML Render, HM Kim, DE Welsh, S Timmons, J Johnston, S Hui, ...
Critical care medicine 31 (6), 1638-1646, 2003
Variation in outcomes in Veterans Affairs intensive care units with a computerized severity measure
ML Render, HM Kim, J Deddens, S Sivaganesin, DE Welsh, K Bickel, ...
Critical care medicine 33 (5), 930-939, 2005
Responsiveness of the adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder quality of life scale (AAQoL)
LS Matza, JA Johnston, DE Faries, KG Malley, M Brod
Quality of Life Research 16, 1511-1520, 2007
Preference for pharmaceutical formulation and treatment process attributes
KD Stewart, JA Johnston, LS Matza, SE Curtis, HA Havel, SA Sweetana, ...
Patient preference and adherence, 1385-1399, 2016
Impact of HIV/AIDS on care and outcomes of severe sepsis
JM Mrus, LA Braun, MS Yi, WT Linde-Zwirble, JA Johnston
Critical Care 9, 1-8, 2005
Predictors of warfarin use among Ohio medicaid patients with new-onset nonvalvular atrial fibrillation
JA Johnston, RJ Cluxton, PC Heaton, JJ Guo, CJ Moomaw, MH Eckman
Archives of internal medicine 163 (14), 1705-1710, 2003
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