The behavior of solutions of second order delay differential equations AF Yeniçerioğlu Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 332 (2), 1278-1290, 2007 | 39 | 2007 |
Stability properties of second order delay integro-differential equations AF Yeniçerioğlu Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56 (12), 3109-3117, 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
Stability of linear impulsive neutral delay differential equations with constant coefficients AF Yeniçerioğlu Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 479, 2196–2213, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Difference approximations for İmpulsive Differential Equations VC COVACHEV, H AKÇA, AF YENİÇERİOĞLU Applied Mathematics and Computation, 383-390, 2001 | 17 | 2001 |
On the stability of the second-order delay differential equations with variable coefficients AF Yeniçerioğlu, S Yalçinbaş Applied mathematics and computation 152 (3), 667-673, 2004 | 14 | 2004 |
Stability properties of difference schemes for neutral differential equations A Ashyralyev, H Akça, AF Yeniçerioğlu Differential equations and Applications, 57-66, 2004 | 9 | 2004 |
Exact and approximate solutions of second order including function delay differential equations with variable coefficients S Yalçinbaş, AF Yeniçerioğlu Applied Mathematics and Computation, 287–298, 2004 | 9 | 2004 |
On the behavior of the solutions for linear autonomous mixed type difference equation AF Yeniçerioğlu, S Pinelas, Y Yan Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 69, 787–801, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
The approximate solutions of high-order linear differential equation systems with variable coefficients S Yalçinbaş, AF Yeniçerioğlu Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 6 (2), 139-157, 2004 | 4 | 2004 |
On the stability and behavior of solutions in mixed differential equations with delays and advances AF Yeniçerioğlu, C Yazıcı, S Pinelas Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sciences, 1-29, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Stability properties of neutral delay integro-diferential equation AF Yeniçerioğlu Selçuk Journal of Applied Mathematics 10 (2), 15-26, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Stability criteria for retarded functional differential equations AF YENİÇERİOĞLU, C YAZICI Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler …, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
On the stability of delay integro- differential equations AF Yeniçerioğlu, S Yalçinbaş Mathematical and Computational Applications 12 (1), 51-58, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Stability Behaviour in Functional Differential Equations of the Neutral Type AF Yeniçerioğlu, C Yazıcı, V Yazıcı Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications 4 (1), 33-40, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Asymptotic Behavior and Stability in Linear Impulsive Delay Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients AF Yeniçerioğlu, V Yazıcı, C Yazıcı mathematics 8 (1802), 1-17, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
ON THE STABILITY OF SECOND ORDER" NEUTRAL DELAY DIFFERANTIAL EQUATION" AF Yeniçerioğlu, B Demir Beykent Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 5 (1-2), 109-129, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Stability in Retarded Functional Equations C YAZICI, AF YENİÇERİOĞLU Konuralp Journal of Mathematics 10 (1), 108-111, 2022 | | 2022 |
Results on the Behavior of the Solutions for Linear Impulsive Neutral Delay Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients AF Yeniçerioğlu Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences 4 (4), 180-189, 2021 | | 2021 |
Oscillatory and stability of a mixed type difference equation with variable coefficients S Pinelas, NE Ramdani, AF Yeniçerioğlu, Y Yan Int. J. Dynamical Systems and Differential Equation 11 (3/4), 391-421, 2021 | | 2021 |
Stability in first order delay integro-differential equations AF Yeniçerioğlu, C YAZICI Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22 (2), 660-668, 2020 | | 2020 |