Cynthia Putnam
Cynthia Putnam
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Software and technologies designed for people with autism: what do users want?
C Putnam, L Chong
Proceedings of the 10th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2008
Best practices for teaching accessibility in university classrooms: cultivating awareness, understanding, and appreciation for diverse users
C Putnam, M Dahman, E Rose, J Cheng, G Bradford
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 8 (4), 1-26, 2016
How do professionals who create computing technologies consider accessibility?
C Putnam, K Wozniak, MJ Zefeldt, J Cheng, M Caputo, C Duffield
Proceedings of the 14th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2012
Adapting user-centered design methods to design for diverse populations.
C Putnam, E Rose, EJ Johnson, B Kolko
Information Technologies & International Development 5 (4), 2009
Communicating about users in ICTD: leveraging HCI personas
C Putnam, B Kolko, S Wood
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information and …, 2012
Experiences with a transportation information system that uses only GPS and SMS
RE Anderson, W Brunette, E Johnson, C Lustig, A Poon, C Putnam, ...
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information and …, 2010
Skills are not binary: Nuances in the relationship between ICT skills and employability
R Walton, C Putnam, E Johnson, B Kolko
Information technologies & international development 5 (2), pp. 1-18, 2009
Computer games in the developing world: The value of non-instrumental engagement with ICTs, or taking play seriously
BE Kolko, C Putnam
2009 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies …, 2009
Adaptation of the system usability scale for user testing with children
C Putnam, M Puthenmadom, MA Cuerdo, W Wang, N Paul
Extended abstracts of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing …, 2020
Human-centered design in practice: Roles, definitions, and communication
C Putnam, A Reiner, E Ryou, M Caputo, J Cheng, M Allen, ...
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 46 (4), 446-470, 2016
Teaching accessibility, learning empathy
C Putnam, M Dahman, E Rose, J Cheng, G Bradford
Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2015
Preparing future UX professionals: Human skills, technical skills, and dispositions
EJ Rose, C Putnam, CM MacDonald
Proceedings of the 38th ACM international conference on design of …, 2020
Interactive technologies designed for children with autism: Reports of use and desires from parents, teachers, and therapists
C Putnam, C Hanschke, J Todd, J Gemmell, M Kollia
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 12 (3), 1-37, 2019
Therapist perspectives: Wii active videogames use in inpatient settings with people who have had a brain injury
C Putnam, J Cheng, G Seymour
Games for Health Journal 3 (6), 366-370, 2014
Towards efficacy-centered game design patterns for brain injury rehabilitation: A data-driven approach
J Cheng, C Putnam, DC Rusch
Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2015
HCI professions: differences & definitions
C Putnam, B Kolko
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021-2026, 2012
Mobile phone users in Kyrgyzstan: A case study of identifying user requirements for diverse users
C Putnam, R Walton, E Rose, B Kolko
2009 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, 1-13, 2009
Bridging the gap between user experience research and design in industry: An analysis of two common communication tools: Personas and scenarios
C Putnam
University of Washington, 2010
'Choose a Game' Creation and Evaluation of a Prototype Tool to Support Therapists in Brain Injury Rehabilitation
C Putnam, J Cheng, F Lin, S Yalla, S Wu
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
How, why, and with whom do user experience (UX) practitioners communicate? Implications for HCI education
CM MacDonald, EJ Rose, C Putnam
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 38 (15), 1422-1439, 2022
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