Meaningful work as realization and justification: Toward a dual conceptualization DA Lepisto, MG Pratt Organizational Psychology Review 7 (2), 99-121, 2017 | 332 | 2017 |
Doing well, doing good, and doing with: Organizational practices for effectively cultivating meaningful work. MG Pratt, C Pradies, DA Lepisto American Psychological Association, 2013 | 138 | 2013 |
Effects of knowledge management on unit performance: examining the moderating role of tacitness and learnability D McIver, DA Lepisto Journal of Knowledge Management 21 (4), 796-816, 2017 | 106 | 2017 |
The hidden side of trust: Supporting and sustaining leaps of faith among firefighters MG Pratt, DA Lepisto, E Dane Administrative Science Quarterly 64 (2), 398-434, 2019 | 85 | 2019 |
Identity work within and beyond the professions D Lepisto, E Crosina, M Pratt International Handbook of Professional Identities, 11-37, 2015 | 83* | 2015 |
Coopetition among nascent craft breweries: a value chain analysis DJ Flanagan, DA Lepisto, LF Ofstein Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 25 (1), 2-16, 2018 | 68 | 2018 |
Politics in perspectives: On the theoretical challenges and opportunities in studying organizational politics DA Lepisto, MG Pratt Politics in Organizations, 101-132, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
Ritual work and the formation of a shared sense of meaningfulness DA Lepisto Academy of Management Journal 65 (4), 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
Exploring work orientations and cultural accounts of work L Boova, MG Pratt, DA Lepisto The oxford handbook of meaningful work, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Reason for Being: Exploring the Formation and Members' Acceptance of Organizational Purpose in an Athletic Footwear and Apparel Company DA Lepisto Boston College, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |