Andrés Biehl
Andrés Biehl
Assistant Professor Sociology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Private pension systems built on precarious foundations: A cohort study of labor-force trajectories in Chile
I Madero-Cabib, A Biehl, K Sehnbruch, E Calvo, F Bertranou
Research on Aging 41 (10), 961-987, 2019
Vínculos, creencias e ilusiones
E Valenzuela, S Schwartzman, A Biehl, JS Valenzuela
La cohesión social de los latinoamericanos, 2008
Lifetime employment–coresidential trajectories and extended working life in Chile
I Madero-Cabib, A Biehl
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 19, 100309, 2021
Taxes without taxpayers: The invisibility of taxes in Chile
A Biehl, JT Labarca, J Vela
Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales 64 (236), 49-82, 2019
Pedro Morandé: Textos sociológicos escogidos
A Biehl, P Velasco
Ediciones UC, 2017
Global Uncertainty in the Evolution of Latin American Income Taxes
A Biehl, LJ Tomás
Global Uncertainty in the Evolution of Latin American Income Taxes, 89-122, 2018
Gender differences in retirement behavior: How family, work, and pension regime explain retirement in Chile
A Canales, V Salinas, A Biehl
Work, Aging and Retirement 7 (2), 107-128, 2021
Towards a fiscal sociology of Latin America
J Atria, A Biehl, JT Labarca
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Revista Europea de …, 2019
Gender differences in retirement in Chile and Uruguay
A Biehl, A Canales, V Salinas, G Wormald
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 40 (7/8), 765-789, 2020
Pension regimes built on precarious foundations: Lessons from a longitudinal study of pension contributions and labor-force trajectories in Chile
I Madero-Cabib, A Biehl, K Sehnbruch, E Calvo, F Bertranou
Research on Aging 41 (10), 961-987, 2019
Tecnología, Instituciones y Presión Tributaria en las Actividades Extractivas: el Caso de la Minería en Chile
A Biehl, G Vera Concha
Tributación en Sociedad: Impuestos y Redistribución en el Chile del siglo …, 2014
Llegar a la edad de jubilación: nudos críticos y régimen de bienestar en Chile
A Biehl, G Wormald, M Browne
Temas de la Agenda Pública 106 (13), 1-23, 2018
Socially stratified associations between self‐employment and health among Chilean older people
I Cabib, A Azar, A Biehl, C Budnevich‐Portales
Sociology of Health & Illness 45 (3), 580-604, 2023
Mapuche Transitions from Education to Work: Vulnerable Transitions and Unequal Outcomes
J Castillo, A Webb, A Biehl
Journal of Developing Societies 38 (2), 244-273, 2022
Política social en Chile: ¿se debiera implementar un Ingreso Básico Universal?
A Biehl, A Inostroza, I Irarrázaval, A Janiak, O Larrañaga, C Sapelli, ...
Temas de la Agenda Pública 17 (153), 1-14, 2022
Impuestos sin Contribuyentes: la invisibilidad de los Impuestos en Chile
A Biehl, JT Labarca, J Vela
Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales 64 (236), 49-82, 2019
Class-based taxation: the fiscal paternalism of the Chilean income tax?
A Biehl, JT Labarca, J Atria
Cambridge University Press, 2024
Biographies of uncertainty regulation in the labor market and extension of working life in Chile
I Cabib, M Yopo Díaz, A Biehl, T Cereceda, JP Ormeño, F Ortiz
Work, Aging and Retirement, waae006, 2024
Contra la Libertad: Por qué la ilusión de elegir dañó nuestra convivencia
A Biehl Lundberg, G Vera Concha
Ariel, 2023
From reciprocity to welfare: Rerum Novarum, Catholicism, and early social security in Latin America
A Biehl, R Pérez de Arce
Religion Compass 16 (10), e12447, 2022
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