Wonsook Ha
A review of potential image fusion methods for remote sensing-based irrigation management: part II
W Ha, PH Gowda, TA Howell
Irrigation Science 31 (4), 851-869, 2013
A review of downscaling methods for remote sensing-based irrigation management: part I
W Ha, PH Gowda, TA Howell
Irrigation Science 31 (4), 831-850, 2013
Evapotranspiration comparisons between eddy covariance measurements and meteorological and remote‐sensing‐based models in disturbed ponderosa pine forests
W Ha, TE Kolb, AE Springer, S Dore, FC O'Donnell, R Martinez Morales, ...
Ecohydrology 8 (7), 1335-1350, 2015
Perchlorate uptake in spinach as related to perchlorate, nitrate, and chloride concentrations in irrigation water
W Ha, DL Suarez, SM Lesch
Environmental science & technology 45 (21), 9363-9371, 2011
Downscaling of land surface temperature maps in the Texas high plains with the TsHARP method
W Ha, PH Gowda, TA Howell
GIScience & Remote Sensing 48 (4), 583-599, 2011
Spatial interpolation of daily reference evapotranspiration in the Texas high plains
W Ha, PH Gowda, T Oommen, TH Marek, DO Porter, TA Howell
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for …, 2011
Groundwater levels in Northern Texas High Plains: Baseline for existing agricultural management practices
JE Hernández, PH Gowda, TH Marek, TA Howell, W Ha
Texas Water Journal 4 (1), 22-34, 2013
Predicting perchlorate uptake in greenhouse lettuce from perchlorate, nitrate, and chloride irrigation water concentrations
W Ha, DL Suarez, SM Lesch
Journal of environmental quality 42 (1), 208-218, 2013
2-D Simulation of non-isothermal fate and transport of a drip-applied fumigant in plastic-mulched soil beds. II. Sensitivity analysis and model application
W Ha, CD Stanley, RS Mansell, HA Ajwa
Transport in porous media 76, 431-448, 2009
Estimating near real-time hourly evapotranspiration using numerical weather prediction model output and GOES remote sensing data in Iowa
W S. Ha, G R. Diak, W F. Krajewski
Remote Sensing 12 (14), 2337, 2020
2-D simulation of non-isothermal fate and transport of a drip-applied fumigant in plastic-mulched soil beds. I. Model development and performance investigation
W Ha, RS Mansell, D Shinde, NH Kim, HA Ajwa, CD Stanley
Transport in porous media 78, 77-99, 2009
Plastic film permeability to soil fumigants
HA Ajwa, WS Ha
2007 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives …, 2007
Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration Models to Onsite and Offsite Meteorological Data for a Ponderosa Pine Forest
W Ha, AE Springer, FC O'Donnell, TE Kolb
Current perspective to predict actual evapotranspiration, 47-63, 2017
Evaluation of four water management policies for Ogallala aquifer sustainability in the Texas High Plains
JE Hernandez, PH Gowda, TA Howell, TH Marek, W Ha, LK Almas
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, H11I-0931, 2010
Plastic film permeability to soil fumigants
W Ha, HA Ajwa
2006 Annual international research conference on methyl bromide alternatives …, 2006
Non-isothermal fate and transport of drip-applied fumigants in plastic-mulched soil beds: Model development and verification.
W Ha
University of Florida, 2006
Assessing Canal Structure Automation Rules Using an Accuracy-Based Learning Classifier System, a Genetic Algorithm, and a Hydraulic Simulation Model in the Boise River
JE Hernández, W Ha, V Sridhar
Downscaling surface temperature image with TsHARP
W Ha, PH Gowda, TA Howell, G Paul, JE Hernandez, S Basu
5th National Decennial Irrigation Conference Proceedings, 5-8 December 2010 …, 2010
Fumigant emissions reduction by using low permeability film and thiosulfate water seal.
H Ajwa, S Shem-Tov, WS Ha, SD Gao, D Sullivan, R Segawa, P Wofford, ...
Implications of 3 alternative management policies on
JE Hernández, PH Gowda, TH Marek, TA Howell, W Ha
Texas Water Journal, 86, 2015
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