Mahesh Somashekhar
Mahesh Somashekhar
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Illinois-Chicago
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Ethnic economies in the age of retail chains: comparing the presence of chain-affiliated and independently owned ethnic restaurants in ethnic neighbourhoods
M Somashekhar
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (13), 2407-2429, 2019
Racial inequality between gentrifiers: How the race of gentrifiers affects retail development in gentrifying neighborhoods
M Somashekhar
City & Community 19 (4), 811-844, 2020
Neither here nor there? How the new geography of ethnic minority entrepreneurship disadvantages African Americans
M Somashekhar
Social Problems 66 (3), 373-391, 2019
Sensing agency and resistance in old prisons: A pragmatist analysis of institutional control
KT Yeung, M Somashekhar
Theory, culture & society 33 (3), 79-101, 2016
What Drives Foundation Expenses and Compensation?: Results of a Three-Year Study
ET Boris, L Renz, MA Hager, R Elias, M Somashekhar
Urban Institute, 2016
Has the suburbanization of ethnic economies created new opportunities for income attainment?
M Somashekhar
Social Science Quarterly 99 (1), 62-79, 2018
Diversity through homophily? The paradox of how increasing similarities between recruiters and recruits can make an organization more diverse
MH Somashekhar
McGill Sociological Review 4, 1-18, 2014
Can we bring culture into the large-scale study of gentrification? assessing the possibilities using geodemographic marketing data
M Somashekhar
Urban Affairs Review 57 (5), 1312-1342, 2021
What Drives Foundation Expenses & Compensation?
ET Boris, L Renz, MA Hager, R Elias, M Somashekhar
Results of a three-year study. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2008
The Business Ownership Patterns of Undocumented Immigrants in the United States: An Exploratory Study
M Somashekhar
Social Currents 10 (1), 60-83, 2023
A Theoretical and Empirical Foundation for the Study of Suburban and Rural Ethnic Economies in the United States
M Somashekhar
Michigan Sociological Review, 1-34, 2014
Where the Great Cities Go, Do Other Cities Follow? Divergent Trajectories of LGBTQ Organizational Growth Across the United States During the AIDS Crisis
M Somashekhar, G Negro
Journal of Homosexuality 71 (9), 2073-2098, 2024
How do employers belonging to marginalized communities respond to minimum wage increases? The case of immigrant-owned businesses in Seattle
M Somashekhar, J Buszkiewicz, SW Allard, J Romich
Economic Development Quarterly 36 (2), 108-123, 2022
Immigrant business in suburban America: How and why ethnic economy workers in the suburbs are struggling to get by
M Somashekhar
Princeton University, 2016
Residential Segregation: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives
M Hall, M Somashekhar, K Bischoff
PAA 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022
Analyzing the Heterogeneous Effects of Local Labor Market Regulations on Employers and Low-Wage Workers
MH Somashekhar, S Allard, D Brady, J Pedroza
2021 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2022
How Do Immigrant-Owned Firms Respond to Minimum Wage Increases? Evidence from Seattle
MH Somashekhar, J Buszkiewicz, S Allard, J Romich
2021 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2022
Second-Generation Immigrant Entrepreneurship: An Intergenerational Success Story?
M Somashekhar
2016 Annual Meeting, 2016
Sense Experience and Institutional Control: Sensory Resistance and Agency in Old Prisons
KT Yeung, MH Somashekhar
Theory, Culture & Society 33 (3), 79-101, 2016
What Drives Foundation Spending?: Results of a Three-Year Study
ET Boris, R Elias, MA Hager, L Renz, M Somashekhar
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, 2008
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