Presidential breakdowns in Latin America: Causes and outcomes of executive instability in developing democracies M Llanos, L Marsteintredet Springer, 2010 | 157 | 2010 |
Bicameralism in the Americas: around the extremes of symmetry and incongruence M Llanos, D Nolte The Journal of Legislative Studies 9 (3), 54-86, 2003 | 142 | 2003 |
Assessing the Political and Social Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis in Latin America M Blofield, B Hoffmann, M Llanos DEU 3, 12, 2020 | 119 | 2020 |
Paraguay and the Politics of Impeachment L Marsteintredet, M Llanos, D Nolte J. Democracy 24, 110, 2013 | 116 | 2013 |
Understanding Presidential Power in Argentina: a Study of the Policy of Privatisation in the 1990s M Llanos Journal of Latin American Studies 33 (1), 67-99, 2001 | 102 | 2001 |
El presidente, el Congreso y la política de privatizaciones en la Argentina (1989-1997) M Llanos Desarrollo Económico, 743-770, 1998 | 99 | 1998 |
Privatization and democracy in Argentina M Llanos An Analysis of President, 2002 | 97* | 2002 |
Ruptura y continuidad: la caída de" Mel" Zelaya en perspectiva comparada M Llanos, L Marsteintredet América Latina Hoy 55, 173-197, 2010 | 81 | 2010 |
Los Congresos en América Latina: legislaturas reactivas, potencialmente activas M Llanos, D Nolte Política. Revista de Ciencia Política 47, 29/54-29/54, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Council of elders? The Senate and its members in the Southern cone M Llanos, F Sánchez Latin American Research Review 41 (1), 133-152, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Councils of Elders?: The Senates and Its Members in the Southern Cone M Llanos, FS López Inst. für Iberoamerika-Kunde, 2004 | 76 | 2004 |
Informal interference in the judiciary in new democracies: A comparison of six African and Latin American cases M Llanos, C Tibi Weber, C Heyl, A Stroh Democratization 23 (7), 1236-1253, 2016 | 64 | 2016 |
El Bicameralismo en América Latina M Llanos IIK, 2002 | 60 | 2002 |
The institutional presidency from a comparative perspective: Argentina and Brazil since the 1980s M Inácio, M Llanos GIGA Working Papers, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
Why do presidents fail? Political leadership and the Argentine crisis (1999–2001) M Llanos, A Margheritis Studies in Comparative International Development 40, 77-103, 2006 | 48 | 2006 |
The Institutional Presidency in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis M Inácio, M Llanos Presidential Studies Quarterly 46 (3), 531-549, 2016 | 43 | 2016 |
Presidential Preferences? The Supreme Federal Tribunal Nominations in Democratic Brazil M Llanos, LB Lemos Latin American Politics and Society 55 (2), 77-105, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Presidential breakdowns in Argentina M Llanos Presidential breakdowns in Latin America: Causes and outcomes of executive …, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
Liderazgo presidencial y dinámica institucional durante el primer período presidencial de Menem. El caso de las privatizaciones M Llanos, A Margheritis Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 1999 | 29 | 1999 |
A política de confirmações senatoriais: um estudo comparativo de Argentina e Brasil M Llanos, L Lemos Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais 22 (64), 115-138, 2007 | 27* | 2007 |