Stefan Reiterer
Stefan Reiterer
Computer Science Researcher, Graz University of Technology
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Basic approaches in recommendation systems
A Felfernig, M Jeran, G Ninaus, F Reinfrank, S Reiterer, M Stettinger
Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering, 15-37, 2014
Toward the next generation of recommender systems: applications and research challenges
A Felfernig, M Jeran, G Ninaus, F Reinfrank, S Reiterer
Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments: Advances in Recommender …, 2013
An overview of recommender systems in the internet of things
A Felfernig, S Polat-Erdeniz, C Uran, S Reiterer, M Atas, TNT Tran, ...
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 52 (2), 285-309, 2019
Minimization of non-smooth, non-convex functionals by iterative thresholding
K Bredies, DA Lorenz, S Reiterer
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 165, 78-112, 2015
Counteracting anchoring effects in group decision making
M Stettinger, A Felfernig, G Leitner, S Reiterer
User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization: 23rd International Conference …, 2015
Intellireq: Intelligent techniques for software requirements engineering
G Ninaus, A Felfernig, M Stettinger, S Reiterer, G Leitner, L Weninger, ...
ECAI 2014, 1161-1166, 2014
Counteracting serial position effects in the choicla group decision support environment
M Stettinger, A Felfernig, G Leitner, S Reiterer, M Jeran
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on intelligent user …, 2015
Anytime diagnosis for reconfiguration
A Felfernig, R Walter, JA Galindo, D Benavides, SP Erdeniz, M Atas, ...
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 51, 161-182, 2018
Personalized diagnosis for over-constrained problems
A Felfernig, M Schubert, S Reiterer
Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Recommender systems for configuration knowledge engineering
A Felfernig, S Reiterer, M Stettinger, F Reinfrank, M Jeran, G Ninaus
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.08113, 2021
Human computation for constraint-based recommenders
T Ulz, M Schwarz, A Felfernig, S Haas, A Shehadeh, S Reiterer, ...
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 49, 37-57, 2017
Conflict detection and diagnosis in configuration
A Felfernig, S Reiterer, F Reinfrank, G Ninaus, M Jeran
Knowledge-based configuration: From research to business cases, 73-87, 2014
A Wiki-based Environment for Constraint-based Recommender Systems Applied in the E-Government Domain.
S Reiterer, A Felfernig, M Jeran, M Stettinger, M Wundara, W Eixelsberger
UMAP Workshops, 1-10, 2015
Recturk: Constraint-based recommendation based on human computation
A Felfernig, S Haas, G Ninaus, M Schwarz, T Ulz, M Stettinger, K Isak, ...
RecSys 2014 CrowdRec Workshop, 1-6, 2014
Towards Open Configuration.
A Felfernig, M Stettinger, G Ninaus, M Jeran, S Reiterer, AA Falkner, ...
Configuration Workshop, 89-94, 2014
Intelligent techniques for configuration knowledge evolution
A Felfernig, S Reiterer, M Stettinger, J Tiihonen
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2015
Configuring Decision Tasks.
M Stettinger, A Felfernig, M Jeran, G Ninaus, G Leitner, S Reiterer
Configuration workshop, 17-21, 2014
Polarization effects in group decisions
M Atas, S Reiterer, A Felfernig, TNT Tran, M Stettinger
Adjunct Publication of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and …, 2018
FlexDiag: anytime diagnosis for reconfiguration.
A Felfernig, R Walter, S Reiterer
Configuration Workshop, 105-110, 2015
We-decide: A decision support environment for groups of users
M Stettinger, G Ninaus, M Jeran, F Reinfrank, S Reiterer
Recent Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 26th International …, 2013
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