LHH Bollen
LHH Bollen
Associate Professor of Information Science
在 ou.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Linking intellectual capital and intellectual property to company performance
L Bollen, P Vergauwen, S Schnieders
Management decision 43 (9), 1161-1185, 2005
Intellectual capital disclosure and intangible value drivers: an empirical study
P Vergauwen, L Bollen, E Oirbans
Management Decision 45 (7), 1163-1180, 2007
A content analysis of whistleblowing policies of leading European companies
H Hassink, M De Vries, L Bollen
Journal of business ethics 75, 25-44, 2007
Measuring and explaining the quality of Internet investor relations activities: a multinational empirical analysis
L Bollen, H Hassink, G Bozic
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7 (4), 273-298, 2006
Secondary stakeholder influence on CSR disclosure: An application of stakeholder salience theory
T Thijssens, L Bollen, H Hassink
Journal of Business Ethics 132, 873-891, 2015
Explaining IT governance disclosure through the constructs of IT governance maturity and IT strategic role
A Joshi, L Bollen, H Hassink, S De Haes, W Van Grembergen
Information & Management 55 (3), 368-380, 2018
Investor relations on the Internet: a survey of the Euronext zone
J Geerings, LHH Bollen, HFD Hassink
European Accounting Review 12 (3), 567-579, 2003
Corporate fraud and the audit expectations gap: A study among business managers
HFD Hassink, LH Bollen, RHG Meuwissen, MJ de Vries
Journal of international accounting, auditing and taxation 18 (2), 85-100, 2009
Managing sustainability reporting: many ways to publish exemplary reports
T Thijssens, L Bollen, H Hassink
Journal of Cleaner Production 136, 86-101, 2016
Fraud detection, redress and reporting by auditors
H Hassink, R Meuwissen, L Bollen
Managerial Auditing Journal 25 (9), 861-881, 2010
Self-serving bias in annual report narratives: An empirical analysis of the impact of economic crises
T Keusch, LHH Bollen, HFD Hassink
European Accounting Review 21 (3), 623-648, 2012
An empirical assessment of IT governance transparency: Evidence from commercial banking
A Joshi, L Bollen, H Hassink
Information Systems Management 30 (2), 116-136, 2013
A stakeholder perspective on mission statements: an international empirical study
G van Nimwegen, L Bollen, H Hassink, T Thijssens
International Journal of Organizational Analysis 16 (1/2), 61-82, 2008
Best practices in managing investor relations websites: Directions for future research
LH Bollen, HF Hassink, RK de Lange, SD Buijl
Journal of Information Systems 22 (2), 171-194, 2008
Spotlight on the design of European audit committees: A comparative descriptive study
F Böhm, LH Bollen, HF Hassink
International Journal of Auditing 17 (2), 138-161, 2013
Classification and analysis of major European business failures
LHH Bollen, GMH Mertens, J van Raak, RHG Meuwissen, ...
Symmetrical versus asymmetrical company‐investor communications via the internet
H Hassink, L Bollen, M Steggink
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 12 (2), 145-160, 2007
Audit committee charter scope: Determinants and effects on audit committee effort
F Böhm, LH Bollen, HF Hassink
International Journal of Auditing 20 (2), 119-132, 2016
Financial reporting regulation for small and medium sized private firms
L Bollen
PhD. Master Thesis, Maastricht, 1996
Board IT competence and firm performance
M Van Peteghem, A Joshi, S Mithas, L Bollen, S De Haes
Fortieth International Conference on Information Systems, 1-17, 2019
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