Alina Avanesyan
An empirical review: characteristics of plant microsatellite markers that confer higher levels of genetic variation
BJ Merritt, TM Culley, A Avanesyan, R Stokes, J Brzyski
Applications in Plant Sciences 3(8):1500025, 2015
Effect of temperature and humidity on the seasonal phenology of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Wisconsin
C Guédot, A Avanesyan, K Hietala-Henschell
Environmental Entomology 47 (6), 1365–1375, 2018
Multistate Comparison of Attractants and the Impact of Fruit Development Stage on Trapping Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Raspberry and Blueberry
GC Jaffe BD, Avanesyan A, Bal HK, Feng Y, Grant J, Grieshop MJ, Lee JC ...
Environmental Entomology 47 (4), 935–945, 2018
Use of molecular gut content analysis to decipher the range of food plants of the invasive spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula
A Avanesyan, W Lamp
Insects 11 (4), 215, 2020
Germinal elements and their development in Echinostoma caproni and Echinostoma paraensei (Trematoda) miracidia
GL Ataev, AA Dobrovolskij, AV Avanessian, ES Loker
Journal of Parasitology 87 (5), 1160-1164, 2001
Plant DNA detection from grasshopper guts: a step-by-step protocol, from tissue preparation to obtaining plant DNA sequences
A Avanesyan
Applications in Plant Sciences 2(2):1300082, 2014
Micro-spatial distribution of two sibling periwinkle species across the intertidal indicates hybrdization
AI Granovitch, AN Maximovich, AV Avanesyan, ZI Starunova, ...
Genetica 141 (7-9), 293-301, 2013
Herbivory of native and exotic North-American prairie grasses by nymph Melanoplus grasshoppers
A Avanesyan, T Culley
Plant Ecology 216, 451-464, 2015
External morphology and developmental changes of tarsal tips and mouthparts of the invasive spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula
A Avanesyan, T Maugel, W Lamp
PLOS ONE, 2019
Isolating spermatheca and determining mating status of Drosophila suzukii: a protocol for tissue dissection and its applications.
A Avanesyan, BD Jaffe, C Guédot
Insects: Special issue “Invasive Insect Species”. 8(1), 32; doi:10.3390 …, 2017
Choosing an Effective PCR-Based Approach for Diet Analysis of Insect Herbivores: A Systematic Review
A Avanesyan, H Sutton, WO Lamp
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2021
Feeding preferences of Melanoplus femurrubrum grasshoppers on native and exotic grasses: behavioral and molecular approaches
A Avanesyan, TM Culley
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 157 (2), 152-163, 2015
Significance of the amoebocyte-producting organ of Biomphalaria glabrata snails (strains selected for susceptibility/resistance) in cellular responseto Echimostoma caproni …
GL Ataev, AA Dobrovolskij, AV Avanessian, C Coustau
Bulletin of Scandinavian Society for Parasitology 10 (2), 65-65, 2000
Diverse host plants of the first instars of the invasive Lycorma delicatula: insights from eDNA metabarcoding
C McPherson, A Avanesyan, W Lamp
Insects: Special Issue "Advances on Invasive Insect Pests: Insect Behavior …, 2022
Detecting Ingested Host Plant DNA in Potato Leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae): Potential Use of Molecular Markers for Gut Content Analysis
A Avanesyan, N Illahi, L William
Journal of Economic Entomology 114 (1), 472-475, 2021
Short-term physiological response of a native Hawaiian plant, Hibiscus arnottianus, to injury by the exotic leafhopper, Sophonia orientalis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)
A Avanesyan, W Lamp, K Snook, P Follett
Environmental Entomology, 2019
Should I Eat or Should I Go? Acridid Grasshoppers and Their Novel Host Plants: Potential for Biotic Resistance
A Avanesyan
Plants 7 (4), 83, 2018
Tolerance of native and exotic prairie grasses to herbivory by Melanoplus grasshoppers: application of a nondestructive method for estimating plant biomass changes as a …
A Avanesyan, TM Culley
The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 144 (1), 15-25, 2017
The organization of germinal material and dynamics of mother sporocyst reproduction in the genus Echinostoma (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae)
G Ataev, A Avanessian, E Loker, A Dobrovolskij
Parazitologia 35 (4), 307-319, 2001
Response of five Miscanthus sinensis cultivars to grasshopper herbivory: implications for monitoring of invasive grasses in protected areas
A Avanesyan, W Lamp
Plants 11 (1), 53, 2022
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