Advances in intelligent systems and computing N Shakhovska Springer International Pu, 2017 | 717* | 2017 |
Помехоустойчивость моделирования СВС Ивахненко АГ | 349 | 1985 |
Pomekhoustojchivost'Modelirovanija (Noise Immunity of Modeling) AG Ivakhnenko, VS Stepashko Kiev: Naukova Dumka 216, 1985 | 129 | 1985 |
Developments and prospects of GMDH-based inductive modeling V Stepashko Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing II: Selected Papers from the …, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
Method of critical variances as analytical tool of theory of inductive modeling VS Stepashko Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 40 (3), 2008 | 45 | 2008 |
Методы и критерии решения задач структурной идентификации ВС Степашко, ЮЛ Кочерга Автоматика, 29, 1985 | 39 | 1985 |
Справочник по типовым программам моделирования АГ Ивахненко Технiка, 1980 | 39 | 1980 |
Construction and research of the generalized iterative GMDH algorithm with active neurons V Stepashko, O Bulgakova, V Zosimov Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing II: Selected Papers from the …, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
A combinatorial algorithm of the group method of data handling with optimal model scanning scheme VS Stepashko Soviet Automatic Control 14 (3), 24-28, 1981 | 34 | 1981 |
Advances in intelligent systems, computer science and digital economics III Z Hu, Y Wang, M He Springer International Publishing, 2022 | 33* | 2022 |
Hybrid searching GMDH-GA algorithm for solving inductive modeling tasks V Stepashko, O Moroz 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Комбинаторный алгоритм МГУА с оптимальной схемой перебора моделей ВС Степашко Автоматика, 1981 | 27 | 1981 |
Growth dynamics of trees irrigated with wastewater: GMDH modeling, assessment, and control issues VA Vissikirsky, VS Stepashko, IK Kalavrouziotis, PA Drakatos Instrumentation Science and Technology 33 (2), 229-249, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
Sequential estimation of the parameters of regression model VS Stepashko, SN Efimenko Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 41, 631-634, 2005 | 23 | 2005 |
Asymptotic properties of external criteria for model selection VS Stepashko Soviet Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 21 (6), 24-32, 1988 | 23 | 1988 |
Численное исследование помехоустойчивости многокритериальной селекции моделей АГ Ивахненко, ВС Степашко Автоматика, 26, 1982 | 23 | 1982 |
Комп’ютерний експеримент в індуктивному моделюванні ВС Степашко, СМ Єфіменко, ЄА Савченко Степашко ВС, Єфіменко CМ, Савченко ЄА–Київ: Наукова думка, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Inductive building of search results ranking models to enhance the relevance of text information retrieval V Zosimov, V Stepashko, O Bulgakova 2015 26th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Ideas of academician O. Ivakhnenko in Inductive Modeling field from historical perspective V Stepashko Proc. of 4th Intern. Conf. on Inductive Modeling (ICIM-2013), 31-37, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
On the self-organizing induction-based intelligent modeling V Stepashko Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing III: Selected Papers from the …, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |