zhenyu guan
zhenyu guan
在 buaa.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Reducing complexity of HEVC: A deep learning approach
M Xu, T Li, Z Wang, X Deng, R Yang, Z Guan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (10), 5044-5059, 2018
MFQE 2.0: A new approach for multi-frame quality enhancement on compressed video
Z Guan, Q Xing, M Xu, R Yang, T Liu, Z Wang
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 43 (3), 949-963, 2019
Enhancing quality for HEVC compressed videos
R Yang, M Xu, T Liu, Z Wang, Z Guan
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 29 (7), 2039-2054, 2018
A deep learning approach for multi-frame in-loop filter of HEVC
T Li, M Xu, C Zhu, R Yang, Z Wang, Z Guan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 28 (11), 5663-5678, 2019
Assessing visual quality of omnidirectional videos
M Xu, C Li, Z Chen, Z Wang, Z Guan
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 29 (12), 3516 …, 2018
Hinet: Deep image hiding by invertible network
J Jing, X Deng, M Xu, J Wang, Z Guan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
DeepMIH: Deep invertible network for multiple image hiding
Z Guan, J Jing, X Deng, M Xu, L Jiang, Z Zhang, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45 (1), 372-390, 2022
Identity-based encryption transformation for flexible sharing of encrypted data in public cloud
H Deng, Z Qin, Q Wu, Z Guan, RH Deng, Y Wang, Y Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 3168-3180, 2020
Flexible attribute-based proxy re-encryption for efficient data sharing
H Deng, Z Qin, Q Wu, Z Guan, Y Zhou
Information Sciences 511, 94-113, 2020
Early exit or not: Resource-efficient blind quality enhancement for compressed images
Q Xing, M Xu, T Li, Z Guan
European Conference on Computer Vision, 275-292, 2020
A secure large-scale instant payment system based on blockchain
L Zhong, Q Wu, J Xie, Z Guan, B Qin
Computers & Security 84, 349-364, 2019
Acceleration of FPGA based convolutional neural network for human activity classification using millimeter-wave radar
P Lei, J Liang, Z Guan, J Wang, T Zheng
IEEE Access 7, 88917-88926, 2019
Agentchain: A decentralized cross-chain exchange system
D Li, J Liu, Z Tang, Q Wu, Z Guan
2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In …, 2019
When machine learning meets security issues: A survey
Z Guan, L Bian, T Shang, J Liu
2018 IEEE international conference on intelligence and safety for robotics …, 2018
A medical information service platform based on distributed cloud and blockchain
Y Du, J Liu, Z Guan, H Feng
2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud), 34-39, 2018
A decentralized and secure blockchain platform for open fair data trading
YN Li, X Feng, J Xie, H Feng, Z Guan, Q Wu
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (7), e5578, 2020
A flexible sharding blockchain protocol based on cross-shard byzantine fault tolerance
Y Liu, X Xing, H Cheng, D Li, Z Guan, J Liu, Q Wu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 18, 2276-2291, 2023
Blockchain: A distributed solution to UAV‐enabled mobile edge computing
Z Guan, H Lyu, D Li, Y Hei, T Wang
IET Communications 14 (15), 2420-2426, 2020
Lightweight and manageable digital evidence preservation system on bitcoin
M Wang, Q Wu, B Qin, Q Wang, J Liu, Z Guan
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 33, 568-586, 2018
Blockchain-based authentication for IIoT devices with PUF
D Li, R Chen, D Liu, Y Song, Y Ren, Z Guan, Y Sun, J Liu
Journal of Systems Architecture 130, 102638, 2022
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