Joaquín Irazábal González
Joaquín Irazábal González
Assistant Research Professor, International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
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Numerical modelling of landslide‐generated waves with the particle finite element method (PFEM) and a non‐Newtonian flow model
F Salazar, J Irazábal, A Larese, E Oñate
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2016
Numerical modelling of granular materials with spherical discrete particles and the bounded rolling friction model. Application to railway ballast
J Irazábal, F Salazar, E Oñate
Computers and Geotechnics 85, 220–229, 2017
The Double Hierarchy Method. A parallel 3D contact method for the interaction of spherical particles with rigid FE boundaries using the DEM
M Santasusana, J Irazábal, E Oñate, JM Carbonell
Computational Particle Mechanics 3, 407-428, 2016
Numerical analysis of railway ballast behaviour using the Discrete Element Method.
J Irazábal González
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017
Anomaly detection in dam behaviour with machine learning classification models
F Salazar, A Conde, J Irazábal, DJ Vicente
Water 13 (17), 2387, 2021
Numerical modeling of railway ballast using the discrete element method
J Irazábal González
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015
A review on thermo-mechanical modelling of arch dams during construction and operation: Effect of the reference temperature on the stress field
F Salazar, DJ Vicente, J Irazábal, I De-Pouplana, J San Mauro
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 27, 1681-1707, 2020
Round robin test on angle of repose: DEM simulation results collected from 16 groups around the world
H Saomoto, N Kikkawa, S Moriguchi, Y Nakata, M Otsubo, V Angelidakis, ...
Soils and Foundations 63 (1), 101272, 2023
Effect of the integration scheme on the rotation of non-spherical particles with the discrete element method
J Irazábal, F Salazar, M Santasusana, E Oñate
Computational Particle Mechanics 6, 545-559, 2019
Hydraulic and stability analysis of the supporting layer of wedge-shaped blocks
J San Mauro, A Larese, F Salazar, J Irazábal, R Morán, MÁ Toledo
Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016
Development and coupling of numerical techniques for modeling micromechanical discrete and continuous media using real particle morphologies
RLR Valera, J Irazábal González, M de Oliveira Junior, MM de Farias, ...
Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-21, 2022
A methodology for calibrating parameters in discrete element models based on machine learning surrogates
J Irazábal, F Salazar, DJ Vicente
Computational Particle Mechanics 10, 1031–1047, 2023
El papel de los modelos numéricos en la investigación y el diseño de aliviaderos de presas
F Salazar, J San Mauro Saiz, J Irazábal, A Larese, R Rossi, ...
Red de Laboratorios de Hidráulica de España (RLHE), 2013
SOLDIER: SOLution for Dam behavior Interpretation and safety Evaluation with boosted Regression trees
F Salazar, J Irazábal, A Conde
SoftwareX 25, 101598, 2024
Numerical modelling with discrete elements of rockfall protection systems
J Irazábal, F Salazar, MA Celigueta, S Latorre, E Oñate
PARTICLES 2017-V International Conference on Particle-Based Methods …, 2017
Design and validation of rockfall protection systems by numerical modeling with discrete elements
S Latorre, MÁ Celigueta Jordana, J Irazábal González, ...
6th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection: RocExs 2017 …, 2017
Applications of numerical methods in design and evaluation of overtopping protection systems
F Salazar, J San Mauro, A Larese, J Irazábal, R Morán, E Oñate, ...
Colorado State University. Libraries, 2016
An automatic methodology based on Machine Learning for the calibration of parameters in numerical models.
J Irazábal González, F Salazar González, DJ Vicente González
Advances in the modelling of railway ballast using the Discrete Element Method (DEM)
J Irazábal González, F Salazar, E Oñate
Shape characterization of railway ballast stones for discrete element calculations
J Irazábal González, F Salazar, E Oñate
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