Hanna Schraffenberger
Hanna Schraffenberger
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University
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Dark and bright patterns in cookie consent requests
P Grassl, H Schraffenberger, FZ Borgesius, M Buijzen
PsyArXiv, 2020
Towards a seamful ethics of Covid-19 contact tracing apps?
AS Hoffman, B Jacobs, B van Gastel, H Schraffenberger, T Sharon, B Pas
Ethics and Information Technology 23 (Suppl 1), 105-115, 2021
Multimodal augmented reality: the norm rather than the exception
H Schraffenberger, E van der Heide
Proceedings of the 2016 workshop on Multimodal Virtual and Augmented Reality …, 2016
Arguably augmented reality: relationships between the virtual and the real
HK Schraffenberger
Ph. D. Dissertation. https://openaccess. leidenuniv. nl/handle/1887/67292, 2018
Everything augmented: On the real in augmented reality
H Schraffenberger, E van der Heide
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 6 (1), 17-29, 2014
Interaction models for audience-artwork interaction: current state and future directions
H Schraffenberger, E Van Der Heide
Arts and Technology: Second International Conference, ArtsIT 2011, Esbjerg …, 2012
Reflection machines: increasing meaningful human control over Decision Support Systems
NAJ Cornelissen, RJM van Eerdt, HK Schraffenberger, WFG Haselager
Ethics and Information Technology 24 (2), 19, 2022
From coexistence to interaction: influences between the virtual and the real in augmented reality
H Schraffenberger, E Van der Heide
19th International Symposium on Electronic Art: ISEA2013, 2013
Augmented Metacognition: Exploring Pupil Dilation Sonification to Elicit Metacognitive Awareness
A de Rooij, H Schraffenberger, M Bontje
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded …, 2018
Audience-artwork interaction
HK Schraffenberger, EV Heide
International Journal of Arts and Technology 8 (2), 91-114, 2015
Towards novel relationships between the virtual and the real in augmented reality
H Schraffenberger, E van der Heide
Arts and Technology: Third International Conference, ArtsIT 2013, Milan …, 2013
One-press control: a tactile input method for pressure-sensitive computer keyboards
S De Jong, D Kirkali, H Schraffenberger, J Jillissen, A De Rooij, ...
CHI'10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4261-4266, 2010
Reflection Machines: Supporting Effective Human Oversight Over Medical Decision Support Systems
P Haselager, H Schraffenberger, S Thill, S Fischer, P Lanillos, ...
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 1-10, 2023
Illuminating Shadows: Introducing Shadow Interaction in Spatial Augmented Reality
MA Gómez-Maureira, C Teunisse, H Schraffenberger, F Verbeek
Creating the Difference, 11, 2014
The Time is Ticking: The Effect of Limited Time Discounts on Consumers’ Buying Behavior and Experience
J Tiemessen, H Schraffenberger, G Acar
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2023
Sensory augmentation: toward a dialogue between the arts and sciences
A de Rooij, M van Dartel, A Ruhl, H Schraffenberger, B van Melick, ...
Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 6th …, 2018
THE rEal in augmEnTEd rEaliTy
H SCHraFFEnBErgEr, E van der Heide
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computation, Communication …, 2014
Think before you click: how reflective patterns contribute to privacy
A Terpstra, P Graßl, H Schraffenberger
Proceedings of the What Can CHI Do About Dark Patterns Workshop. ACM, 2021
Backup and Recovery of IRMA Credentials
I Derksen, B Jacobs, H Schraffenberger, T Olthof
PhD thesis, Master’s thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2019
Friction for privacy: Why privacy by design needs user experience design
B Jacobs, HK Schraffenberger
Amsterdam: KPN, 2020
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