Variable selection for regression models L Kuo, B Mallick Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 65-81, 1998 | 863 | 1998 |
Wiley series in computational statistics P Giudici, GH Givens, BK Mallick Wiley Online Library, 2013 | 853 | 2013 |
Bayesian methods for nonlinear classification and regression DGT Denison, CC Holmes, BK Mallick, AFM Smith John Wiley & Sons, 2002 | 847 | 2002 |
Automatic Bayesian curve fitting DGT Denison, BK Mallick, AFM Smith Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 1998 | 588 | 1998 |
A bayesian cart algorithm DGT Denison, BK Mallick, AFM Smith Biometrika 85 (2), 363-377, 1998 | 485 | 1998 |
Gene selection: a Bayesian variable selection approach KE Lee, N Sha, ER Dougherty, M Vannucci, BK Mallick Bioinformatics 19 (1), 90-97, 2003 | 456 | 2003 |
Roadway traffic crash mapping: a space-time modeling approach SP Miaou, JJ Song, BK Mallick Journal of transportation and Statistics 6, 33-58, 2003 | 304 | 2003 |
Generalized linear models: A Bayesian perspective DK Dey, SK Ghosh, BK Mallick CRC Press, 2000 | 302 | 2000 |
Analyzing nonstationary spatial data using piecewise Gaussian processes HM Kim, BK Mallick, CC Holmes Journal of the American Statistical Association 100 (470), 653-668, 2005 | 276 | 2005 |
Detecting change-point, trend, and seasonality in satellite time series data to track abrupt changes and nonlinear dynamics: A Bayesian ensemble algorithm K Zhao, MA Wulder, T Hu, R Bright, Q Wu, H Qin, Y Li, E Toman, B Mallick, ... Remote sensing of Environment 232, 111181, 2019 | 248 | 2019 |
Gene selection using a two-level hierarchical Bayesian model K Bae, BK Mallick Bioinformatics 20 (18), 3423-3430, 2004 | 230 | 2004 |
Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty L Biegler, G Biros, O Ghattas, M Heinkenschloss, D Keyes, B Mallick, ... | 218 | 2011 |
Fast sampling with Gaussian scale mixture priors in high-dimensional regression A Bhattacharya, A Chakraborty, BK Mallick Biometrika, asw042, 2016 | 210 | 2016 |
Bayesian multivariate spatial models for roadway traffic crash mapping JJ Song, M Ghosh, S Miaou, B Mallick Journal of multivariate analysis 97 (1), 246-273, 2006 | 209 | 2006 |
Parameter estimation of partial differential equation models X Xun, J Cao, B Mallick, A Maity, RJ Carroll Journal of the American Statistical Association 108 (503), 1009-1020, 2013 | 177 | 2013 |
A Bayesian semiparametric accelerated failure time model S Walker, BK Mallick Biometrics 55 (2), 477-483, 1999 | 177 | 1999 |
Functional clustering by Bayesian wavelet methods S Ray, B Mallick Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2006 | 172 | 2006 |
Hierarchical generalized linear models and frailty models with Bayesian nonparametric mixing SG Walker, BK Mallick Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 1997 | 167 | 1997 |
Bayesian mars DGT Denison, BK Mallick, AFM Smith Statistics and Computing 8, 337-346, 1998 | 162 | 1998 |
Bayesian semiparametric inference for the accelerated failure‐time model L Kuo, B Mallick Canadian Journal of Statistics 25 (4), 457-472, 1997 | 155 | 1997 |