Eali Stephen Neal Joshua,PhD
Eali Stephen Neal Joshua,PhD
Assistant Professor
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3D CNN with Visual Insights for Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using Gradient‐Weighted Class Activation
ES Neal Joshua, D Bhattacharyya, M Chakkravarthy, YC Byun
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2021 (1), 6695518, 2021
An Extensive Review on Lung Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Study
ESN Joshua, M Chakkravarthy, D Bhattacharyya
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 34, 2020
Lung Cancer Classification Using Squeeze and Excitation Convolutional Neural Networks with Grad Cam++ Class Activation Function.
N Joshua, E Stephen, D Bhattacharyya, M Chakkravarthy, HJ Kim
Traitement Du Signal 38 (4), 2021
A novel approach in bio-medical image segmentation for analyzing brain cancer images with U-NET semantic segmentation and TPLD models using SVM
SNJ Eali, D Bhattacharyya, TR Nakka, SP Hong
Traitement Du Signal 39 (2), 419, 2022
Advanced Empirical Studies on Group Governance of the Novel Corona Virus, MERS, SARS and EBOLA: A Systematic Study
ESNJ , Debnath Bhattacharyya, Tirupathi Rao,Nakka Marline Joys Kumari
International Journal of Current Research and Revie 12 (18), 2020
Lung cancer detection using improvised grad-cam++ with 3D CNN class activation
ESN Joshua, M Chakkravarthy, D Bhattacharyya
Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication: Proceedings of SMART …, 2021
A bi-directional deep learning architecture for lung nodule semantic segmentation
D Bhattacharyya, N Thirupathi Rao, ESN Joshua, YC Hu
The Visual Computer 39 (11), 5245-5261, 2023
Extensive statistical analysis on novel coronavirus: towards worldwide health using apache spark
ESN Joshua, D Battacharyya, BP Doppala, M Chakkravarthy
Healthcare Informatics for Fighting COVID-19 and Future Epidemics, 155-178, 2022
Lung nodule semantic segmentation with bi-direction features using U-INET
CM Joshua E.S.N.,Bhattacharyya D.
Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences 10 (5), 3494-3499, 2021
Simulated studies on the performance of intelligent transportation system using vehicular networks
SNJ Eali, NT Rao, K Swathi, KV Satyanarayana, D Bhattacharyya, T Kim
Int J Grid Distrib Comput 11 (4), 27-36, 2018
Automatic determination of harassment in social network using machine learning
BP Doppala, S NagaMallik Raj, E Stephen Neal Joshua, ...
Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication: Proceedings of SMART …, 2021
An extensive discussion on utilization of data security and big data models for resolving healthcare problems
NT Rao, D Bhattacharyya, ESN Joshua
Multi-chaos, fractal and multi-fractional artificial intelligence of …, 2022
The use of digital technologies in the response to SARS-2 CoV2-19 in the public health sector
ESN Joshua, D Bhattacharyya, NT Rao
Digital Innovation for Healthcare in COVID-19 Pandemic, 391-418, 2022
Managing information security risk and Internet of Things (IoT) impact on challenges of medicinal problems with complex settings: a complete systematic approach
ESN Joshua, D Bhattacharyya, NT Rao
Multi-chaos, fractal and multi-fractional artificial intelligence of …, 2022
Hybrid CNN-SVM Classifier Approaches to Process Semi-Structured Data in Sugarcane Yield Forecasting Production
D Bhattacharyya, ESN Joshua, NT Rao, T Kim
Agronomy 13 (4), 1169, 2023
Managing information security risk and internet of things (IoT) impact on challenges of medicinal problems with complex settings
ES Neal Joshua, NT Rao, D Bhattacharyya
Multi-chaos, fractal and multi-fractional artificial intelligence of …, 2022
An enhanced K-means clustering algorithm to improve the accuracy of clustering using centroid identification based on compactness factor
ESN Joshua, KA Vardhan, NT Rao, D Bhattacharyya
Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication: Proceedings of SMART …, 2023
Diabetic retinopathy detection using deep learning
K Swathi, ESN Joshua, BD Reddy, NT Rao
2022 International Conference on Advancements in Smart, Secure and …, 2022
Lung Cancer Classification with Improvised Three Parameter Logistic Type Distribution Model.
ESN Joshua, D Bhattacharyya, TR Nakka, YC Byun
Traitement du Signal 40 (2), 2023
Medical Image Analysis of Lung Cancer CT Scans Using Deep Learning with Swarm Optimization Techniques
D Bhattacharyya, E Stephen Neal Joshua, N Thirupathi Rao
Machine Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, and IoT in Image Processing …, 2023
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