Yuki Yonekura
Yuki Yonekura
St.Luke's International University
在 umin.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Comprehensive health literacy in Japan is lower than in Europe: a validated Japanese-language assessment of health literacy
K Nakayama, W Osaka, T Togari, H Ishikawa, Y Yonekura, A Sekido, ...
BMC public health 15, 1-12, 2015
The relationship between work engagement and psychological distress of hospital nurses and the perceived communication behaviors of their nurse managers: A cross-sectional survey
K Kunie, N Kawakami, A Shimazu, Y Yonekura, Y Miyamoto
International journal of nursing studies 71, 115-124, 2017
Sense of coherence in mothers and children, family relationships and participation in decision-making at home: an analysis based on Japanese parent–child pair data
T Togari, M Sato, R Otemori, Y Yonekura, Y Yokoyama, M Kimura, ...
Health promotion international 27 (2), 148-156, 2012
Reliability and validity of a 12-item medication adherence scale for patients with chronic disease in Japan
H Ueno, Y Yamazaki, Y Yonekura, MJ Park, H Ishikawa, T Kiuchi
BMC Health Services Research 18, 1-9, 2018
Reliability and validity of the practice environment scale of the nursing work index for Japanese hospital nurses
Y Ogata, M Sasaki, Y Yumoto, Y Yonekura, M Nagano, K Kanda
Nursing open 5 (3), 362-369, 2018
Effectiveness of Chronic Disease Self‐management Program in Japan: Preliminary report of a longitudinal study
K Yukawa, Y Yamazaki, Y Yonekura, T Togari, FK Abbott, M Homma, ...
Nursing & Health Sciences 12 (4), 456-463, 2010
Association between relocation and changes in cardiometabolic risk factors: a longitudinal study in tsunami survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
S Takahashi, M Nakamura, Y Yonekura, K Tanno, K Sakata, A Ogawa, ...
BMJ open 6 (5), e011291, 2016
Association between health risks and frailty in relation to the degree of housing damage among elderly survivors of the great East Japan earthquake
M Tsubota-Utsugi, Y Yonekura, K Tanno, M Nozue, H Shimoda, N Nishi, ...
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-15, 2018
Weight gain in survivors living in temporary housing in the tsunami-stricken area during the recovery phase following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
S Takahashi, Y Yonekura, R Sasaki, Y Yokoyama, K Tanno, K Sakata, ...
PLoS One 11 (12), e0166817, 2016
Nationally representative score of the Japanese language version of the 13-item 7-point sense of coherence scale
T Togari, Y Yamazaki, K Nakayama, Y Yokoyama, Y Yonekura, ...
[Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi] Japanese Journal of Public Health 62 (5), 232-237, 2015
A Japanese version of the Pearlin and Schooler’s Sense of Mastery Scale
T Togari, Y Yonekura
Springerplus 4, 1-4, 2015
COVID-19 preventive behaviors and health literacy, information evaluation, and decision-making skills in Japanese adults: cross-sectional survey study
K Nakayama, Y Yonekura, H Danya, K Hagiwara
JMIR formative research 6 (1), e34966, 2022
Nurse health‐related quality of life: associations with patient and ward characteristics in J apanese general acute care wards
Y Oyama, Y Yonekura, H Fukahori
Journal of nursing management 23 (6), 775-783, 2015
Risk of stroke and heart failure attributable to atrial fibrillation in middle-aged and elderly people: Results from a five-year prospective cohort study of Japanese community …
M Ohsawa, T Okamura, K Tanno, K Ogasawara, K Itai, Y Yonekura, ...
Journal of epidemiology 27 (8), 360-367, 2017
Social capital and dietary intakes following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
S Goryoda, N Nishi, H Shimoda, Y Yonekura, K Sakata, S Kobayashi, ...
Journal of epidemiology 29 (3), 92-96, 2019
Poor self-rated health predicts the incidence of functional disability in elderly community dwellers in Japan: a prospective cohort study
S Takahashi, K Tanno, Y Yonekura, M Ohsawa, T Kuribayashi, ...
BMC geriatrics 20, 1-13, 2020
Standardized prevalence ratios for atrial fibrillation in adult dialysis patients in Japan
M Ohsawa, K Tanno, T Okamura, Y Yonekura, K Kato, Y Fujishima, ...
Journal of epidemiology 26 (5), 272-276, 2016
Predicting complete loss to follow-up after a health-education program: number of absences and face-to-face contact with a researcher
MJ Park, Y Yamazaki, Y Yonekura, K Yukawa, H Ishikawa, T Kiuchi, ...
BMC Medical Research Methodology 11, 1-8, 2011
Advance care planning for intensive care patients during the perioperative period: a qualitative study
K Yamamoto, Y Yonekura, J Hayama, T Matsubara, H Misumi, ...
SAGE Open Nursing 7, 23779608211038845, 2021
Associations between health literacy and information-evaluation and decision-making skills in Japanese adults
K Nakayama, Y Yonekura, H Danya, K Hagiwara
BMC Public Health 22 (1), 1473, 2022
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