Christopher Wheldon
Christopher Wheldon
Temple University College of Public Health
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Evidence of diverse identities in a large national sample of sexual and gender minority adolescents
RJ Watson, CW Wheldon, RM Puhl
Journal of Research on Adolescence 30, 431-442, 2020
Prevention of HPV-related oral cancer: assessing dentists' readiness
E Daley, V Dodd, R DeBate, C Vamos, C Wheldon, N Kline, S Smith, ...
Public health 128 (3), 231-238, 2014
Tobacco use among adults by sexual orientation: findings from the population assessment of tobacco and health study
CW Wheldon, AR Kaufman, KA Kasza, RP Moser
LGBT health 5 (1), 33-44, 2018
Social determinants of health and health disparities: COVID-19 exposures and mortality among African American people in the United States
SB Maness, L Merrell, EL Thompson, SB Griner, N Kline, C Wheldon
Public health reports 136 (1), 18-22, 2021
Health beliefs and attitudes associated with HPV vaccine intention among young gay and bisexual men in the southeastern United States
CW Wheldon, EM Daley, ER Buhi, AG Nyitray, AR Giuliano
Vaccine 29 (45), 8060-8065, 2011
Care delivery, patient experiences, and health outcomes among sexual and gender minority patients with cancer and survivors: a scoping review
EE Kent, CW Wheldon, AW Smith, S Srinivasan, AM Geiger
Cancer 125 (24), 4371-4379, 2019
Evaluating the Internet as a sexually transmitted disease risk environment for teens: findings from the communication, health, and teens study
ER Buhi, N Klinkenberger, M McFarlane, R Kachur, EM Daley, J Baldwin, ...
Sexually transmitted diseases 40 (7), 528-533, 2013
Human papillomavirus vaccine knowledge and attitudes, preventative health behaviors, and medical mistrust among a racially and ethnically diverse sample of college women
SK Kolar, C Wheldon, ND Hernandez, L Young, N Romero-Daza, ...
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 2, 77-85, 2015
Awareness and knowledge of HPV and HPV vaccination among adults ages 27–45 years
EL Thompson, CW Wheldon, BL Rosen, SB Maness, ML Kasting, ...
Vaccine 38 (15), 3143-3148, 2020
Masculinity and relationship agreements among male same-sex couples
CW Wheldon, EB Pathak
Journal of Sex Research 47 (5), 460-470, 2010
An integrative theoretical framework for HPV vaccine promotion among male sexual minorities
CW Wheldon, EM Daley, ER Walsh-Buhi, JA Baldwin, AG Nyitray, ...
American journal of men's health 12 (5), 1409-1420, 2018
How does sexual identity disclosure impact school experiences?
RJ Watson, CW Wheldon, ST Russell
Journal of LGBT Youth 12 (4), 385-396, 2015
Ethnic and racial differences in HPV knowledge and vaccine intentions among men receiving HPV test results
EM Daley, S Marhefka, E Buhi, ND Hernandez, R Chandler, C Vamos, ...
Vaccine 29 (23), 4013-4018, 2011
Family rejection and cigarette smoking among sexual and gender minority adolescents in the USA
KE Gamarel, RJ Watson, R Mouzoon, CW Wheldon, JN Fish, NL Fleischer
International journal of behavioral medicine 27, 179-187, 2020
Culturally competent care for sexual and gender minority patients at national cancer institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers
CW Wheldon, MB Schabath, J Hudson, M Bowman Curci, PA Kanetsky, ...
Lgbt Health 5 (3), 203-211, 2018
Stoic beliefs and health: development and preliminary validation of the Pathak-Wieten Stoicism Ideology Scale
EB Pathak, SE Wieten, CW Wheldon
BMJ open 7 (11), e015137, 2017
Vaccine acceptability, uptake and completion amongst men who have sex with men: a systematic review, meta-analysis and theoretical framework
T Nadarzynski, M Frost, D Miller, CW Wheldon, BM Wiernik, H Zou, ...
Vaccine 39 (27), 3565-3581, 2021
Tobacco use among transgender and gender non-conforming adults in the United States
CW Wheldon, KP Wiseman
Tobacco use insights 12, 1179173X19849419, 2019
Assessing relationship and sexual satisfaction in adolescent relationships formed online and offline
HD Blunt-Vinti, C Wheldon, M McFarlane, N Brogan, ER Walsh-Buhi
Journal of Adolescent Health 58 (1), 11-16, 2016
Mining Twitter to assess the determinants of health behavior toward human papillomavirus vaccination in the United States
H Zhang, C Wheldon, AG Dunn, C Tao, J Huo, R Zhang, M Prosperi, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 27 (2), 225-235, 2020
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