Institutions and institutional work TB Lawrence, R Suddaby The Sage handbook of organization studies, 215-254, 2006 | 4823 | 2006 |
Institutional entrepreneurship in emerging fields: HIV/AIDS treatment advocacy in Canada S Maguire, C Hardy, TB Lawrence Academy of management journal 47 (5), 657-679, 2004 | 3098 | 2004 |
Discourse and institutions N Phillips, TB Lawrence, C Hardy Academy of management review 29 (4), 635-652, 2004 | 2685 | 2004 |
The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism R Greenwood, RE Meyer, TB Lawrence, C Oliver SAGE Publications Ltd, 2017 | 2043 | 2017 |
Handbook of organization studies SR Clegg, C Hardy, TB Lawrence, WR Nord SAGE Publications Ltd, 2006 | 1807* | 2006 |
Institutional work: Refocusing institutional studies of organization T Lawrence, R Suddaby, B Leca Journal of management inquiry 20 (1), 52-58, 2011 | 1799 | 2011 |
Institutional work: Actors and agency in institutional studies of organizations TB Lawrence, R Suddaby, B Leca Cambridge University Press, 2009 | 1528 | 2009 |
Institutional work in the transformation of an organizational field: The interplay of boundary work and practice work C Zietsma, TB Lawrence Administrative science quarterly 55 (2), 189-221, 2010 | 1423 | 2010 |
Institutional effects of interorganizational collaboration: The emergence of proto-institutions TB Lawrence, C Hardy, N Phillips Academy of management journal 45 (1), 281-290, 2002 | 1423 | 2002 |
Triggers and enablers of sensegiving in organizations S Maitlis, TB Lawrence Academy of management Journal 50 (1), 57-84, 2007 | 1188 | 2007 |
Discourse and collaboration: The role of conversations and collective identity C Hardy, TB Lawrence, D Grant Academy of management review 30 (1), 58-77, 2005 | 1184 | 2005 |
Resources, knowledge and influence: The organizational effects of interorganizational collaboration C Hardy, N Phillips, TB Lawrence Journal of management studies 40 (2), 321-347, 2003 | 1177 | 2003 |
Inter‐organizational collaboration and the dynamics of institutional fields N Phillips, TB Lawrence, C Hardy Journal of management studies 37 (1), no-no, 2000 | 1085 | 2000 |
Institutional strategy TB Lawrence Journal of management 25 (2), 161-187, 1999 | 1067 | 1999 |
Introduction: Theorizing and studying institutional work B Leca, TB Lawrence, R Suddaby, B Leca TB Lawrence, R. suddaby & B. Leca (eds.), Institutional Work: Actors and …, 2009 | 852 | 2009 |
Territoriality in organizations G Brown, TB Lawrence, SL Robinson Academy of Management Review 30 (3), 577-594, 2005 | 851 | 2005 |
The temporal dynamics of institutionalization TB Lawrence, MI Winn, PD Jennings Academy of management review 26 (4), 624-644, 2001 | 807 | 2001 |
Institutional work: Current research, new directions and overlooked issues TB Lawrence, B Leca, TB Zilber Organization studies 34 (8), 1023-1033, 2013 | 748 | 2013 |
The politics of organizational learning: Integrating power into the 4I framework TB Lawrence, MK Mauws, B Dyck, RF Kleysen Academy of management review 30 (1), 180-191, 2005 | 730 | 2005 |
From Moby Dick to Free Willy: Macro-cultural discourse and institutional entrepreneurship in emerging institutional fields TB Lawrence, N Phillips Organization 11 (5), 689-711, 2004 | 724 | 2004 |