Martín Jaurena
Martín Jaurena
Researcher INIA - Uruguay; PhD UFRGS - Brasil
在 tb.inia.org.uy 的电子邮件经过验证
Temporary grazing exclusion promotes rapid recovery of species richness and productivity in a long‐term overgrazed Campos grassland
JK Fedrigo, PF Ataide, JA Filho, LV Oliveira, M Jaurena, EA Laca, ...
Restoration Ecology 26 (4), 677-685, 2018
Native grasslands at the core: a new paradigm of intensification for the Campos of Southern South America to increase economic and environmental sustainability
M Jaurena, M Durante, T Devincenzi, JV Savian, D Bendersky, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 547834, 2021
The dilemma of improving native grasslands by overseeding legumes: Production intensification or diversity conservation
M Jaurena, F Lezama, L Salvo, G Cardozo, W Ayala, J Terra, C Nabinger
Rangeland ecology & management 69 (1), 35-42, 2016
Drivers, process, and consequences of native grassland degradation: Insights from a literature review and a survey in Río de la Plata grasslands
G Tiscornia, M Jaurena, W Baethgen
Agronomy 9 (5), 239, 2019
Effect of creep feeding and stocking rate on the productivity of beef cattle grazing grasslands
C Viñoles, M Jaurena, I De Barbieri, M Do Carmo, F Montossi
New Zealand journal of agricultural research 56 (4), 279-287, 2013
Regeneración del palmar de butiá (Butia capitata) en condiciones de pastoreo: Relevamiento de establecimientos rurales de Rocha
F Báez, M Jaurena
Probides, 2000
Demonstrating control of forage allowance for beef cattle grazing Campos grassland in Uruguay to improve system productivity
M Do Carmo, G Cardozo, M Jaurena, P Soca
Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales 7 (1), 35-47, 2019
Impacto de la intensificación productiva sobre el campo natural en Uruguay
R Díaz, M Jaurena, W Ayala
Rev INIA 14, 16-21, 2008
Especies indicadoras y estructura de praderas naturales de basalto con cargas contrastantes de ovinos
M Jaurena, O Bentancur, W Ayala, M Rivas
Agrociencia (Uruguay) 15 (1), 103-114, 2011
Campo natural: patrimonio del país y fundamento de la estabilidad productiva de la ganadería
M Jaurena, D Formoso, R Gómez, M Rebuffo
Rev INIA 32, 31-5, 2013
Spatial analysis of genetic diversity in a comprehensive collection of the native grass Bromus auleticus Trinius (ex Nees) in Uruguay
F Condón, M Jaurena, R Reyno, C Otaño, FA Lattanzi
Grass and Forage Science 72 (4), 723-733, 2017
Perennial grasses traits as functional markers of grazing intensity in basaltic grasslands of Uruguay
M Jaurena, F Lezama, P Cruz
Chilean journal of agricultural research 72 (4), 541-549, 2012
Grazing intensity drives plant diversity but does not affect forage production in a natural grassland dominated by the tussock-forming grass Andropogon lateralis Nees
PG Zanella, LHPDG Junior, CE Pinto, TC Baldissera, SS Werner, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 16744, 2021
Diversidad vegetal del campo natural de Butia odorata (Barb. Rodr.) Noblick en Uruguay
M Rivas, M Jaurena, L Gutiérrez, RL Barbieri
Agrociencia (Uruguay) 18 (2), 14-27, 2014
La pradera natural del palmar de Butia capitata (Arecaceae) de Castillos (Rocha): Evolución con distintas alternativas de pastoreo
M Jaurena, M Rivas
Seminario de actualización técnica en manejo de campo natural, Serie Técnica …, 2005
A functional classification of 63 common Poaceae in the “Campos” grasslands of South America
P Cruz, L Lezana, M Durante, M Jaurena, M Figari, LB Oliveira, JP Theau, ...
Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2019
Diversidad simbiótica en leguminosas forrajeras nativas: aportes para el mejoramiento sustentable del campo natural
M Jaurena, M Mayans, K Punschke, R Reyno, J Millot, C Labandera
INIA Treinta y Tres, Serie Técnica, 2005
Respuesta al riego suplementario en pasturas y forrajes
D Giorello, M Jaurena, P Boggiano, E Pérez Gomar
2º Seminario Internacional de Riego en Cultivos y Pasturas, 45-54, 2012
Osteomalacia as a result of phosphorus deficiency in beef cattle grazing subtropical native pastures in Uruguay
CO Schild, FM Boabaid, LGS Olivera, M Machado, A Vildoza, A Saravia, ...
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 33 (5), 1018-1022, 2021
Native Grasslands at the Core: a New Paradigm of Intensification for the Campos of Southern South America to increase Economic and Environmental Sustainability. Front Sustain …
M Jaurena, M Durante, T Devincenzi, V Savian, D Bendersky, FG Moojen, ...
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