Junbum Shin
Junbum Shin
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Collecting and analyzing multidimensional data with local differential privacy
N Wang, X Xiao, Y Yang, J Zhao, SC Hui, H Shin, J Shin, G Yu
2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 638-649, 2019
ScanDal: Static analyzer for detecting privacy leaks in android applications
J Kim, Y Yoon, K Yi, J Shin, S Center
MoST 12 (110), 1, 2012
Collecting and analyzing data from smart device users with local differential privacy
TT Nguyên, X Xiao, Y Yang, SC Hui, H Shin, J Shin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05053, 2016
Privacy enhanced matrix factorization for recommendation with local differential privacy
H Shin, S Kim, J Shin, X Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30 (9), 1770-1782, 2018
New DSA-verifiable signcryption schemes
JB Shin, K Lee, K Shim
Information Security and Cryptology—ICISC 2002: 5th International …, 2003
Algorithm specifications and supporting documentation
C Chen, O Danba, J Hoffstein, A Hülsing, J Rijneveld, JM Schanck, ...
Brown University and Onboard security company, Wilmington USA, 2019
PrivTrie: Effective Frequent Term Discovery under Local Differential Privacy
GYN Wang, X Xiao, Y Yang, TD Hoang, H Shin, J Shin, G Yu
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2018
Efficient privacy-preserving matrix factorization via fully homomorphic encryption
S Kim, J Kim, D Koo, Y Kim, H Yoon, J Shin
Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia conference on computer and …, 2016
Method and apparatus for protecting digital contents stored in usb mass storage device
CS Ahn, J Shin, B Kim
US Patent App. 11/872,161, 2008
{Hardware-Assisted}{On-Demand} Hypervisor Activation for Efficient Security Critical Code Execution on Mobile Devices
Y Cho, J Shin, D Kwon, MJ Ham, Y Kim, Y Paek
2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 16), 565-578, 2016
Method and apparatus for encrypting message for maintaining message integrity, and method and apparatus for decrypting message for maintaining message integrity
J Shin, J Park
US Patent 8,155,311, 2012
Efficient privacy-preserving matrix factorization for recommendation via fully homomorphic encryption
J Kim, D Koo, Y Kim, H Yoon, J Shin, S Kim
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) 21 (4), 1-30, 2018
Method and apparatus for encrypting transport stream of multimedia content, and method and apparatus for decrypting transport stream of multimedia content
CH Lee, J Shin, SY Lee, EH Hong
US Patent 8,281,128, 2012
Automated extraction and presentation of data practices in privacy policies
D Bui, KG Shin, JM Choi, J Shin
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2021
Watermarking method and apparatus for tracking hacked content and method and apparatus for blocking hacking of content using the same
J Shin, BH Cha
US Patent 9,384,332, 2016
Consistency analysis of data-usage purposes in mobile apps
D Bui, Y Yao, KG Shin, JM Choi, J Shin
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2021
A new appraoch to server-aided secret computation.
SM Hong, JB Shin, H Lee-Kwang, H Yoon
ICISC, 33-45, 1998
Instant privacy-preserving biometric authentication for hamming distance
J Lee, D Kim, D Kim, Y Song, J Shin, JH Cheon
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2018
Method and apparatus for generating firmware update file and updating firmware by using the firmware update file
JY Moon, I Lee, J Shin, S Lee, SH Lee
US Patent App. 11/877,184, 2008
Learning new words from keystroke data with local differential privacy
S Kim, H Shin, C Baek, S Kim, J Shin
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32 (3), 479-491, 2018
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