Caroline Straub
Caroline Straub
Professor for HRM and Organisational Behavior at Bern University of Applied Sciences
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Flexible employment relationships and careers in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
D Spurk, C Straub
Journal of Vocational Behavior 119, 103435, 2020
Antecedents and organizational consequences of family supportive supervisor behavior: A multilevel conceptual framework for research
C Straub
Human Resource Management Review 22 (1), 15-26, 2012
A comparative analysis of the use of work-life balance practices in Europe: Do practices enhance females’ career advancement?
C Straub
Women in Management Review 22 (4), 289-304, 2007
Making a life or making a living? Cross-cultural comparisons of business students’ work and life values in Canada and France
Y Zhang, C Straub, S Kusyk
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 14 (3), 174-195, 2007
Career customization: Putting an organizational practice to facilitate sustainable careers to the test
C Straub, CJ Vinkenburg, M van Kleef
Journal of Vocational Behavior 117, 103320, 2020
Crossing boundaries: Integrative effects of supervision, gender and boundary control on work engagement and work-to-family positive spillover
C Straub, B Beham, G Islam
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 30 (20), 2831-2854, 2019
Effective HR implementation: the impact of supervisor support for policy use on employee perceptions and attitudes
C Straub, CJ Vinkenburg, M van Kleef, J Hofmans
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (22), 3115-3135, 2018
Unfolding refugee entrepreneurs' opportunity-production process—Patterns and embeddedness
YD Jiang, C Straub, K Klyver, R Mauer
Journal of Business Venturing 36 (5), 106138, 2021
Managing diversity in organizations
B Beham, C Straub, J Schwalbach
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 82, 1-2, 2012
The effect of gender inequities in the classroom and beyond in US business schools
DB Balkin, LJ Treviño, C Straub
Journal of Management Education 46 (3), 582-606, 2022
Refugee Entrepreneurship as Career Reconstruction: A Dual Embeddedness Perspective
Y Jiang, C Straub, K Klyver
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2017
Work-family issues in contemporary Europe
C Straub
Universitat Ramon Llull, 2008
Humane orientation, work–family conflict, and positive spillover across cultures.
B Beham, A Ollier-Malaterre, TD Allen, A Baierl, M Alexandrova, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2023
Managing work and nonwork responsibilities when labour protection is weak: The role of family supportive supervisor behaviours
C Straub, B Beham, M Fayad, N Ramadan
Applied Psychology, 2022
Examining the Mechanism behind Work-to-family Positive Synergies: Indirect and Conditional Effects
B Beham, C Straub
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 10527, 2015
Making a life or making a living: Does country and gender make a difference?
Y Zhang, SL Dolan, C Straub, S Kusyk
European Academy of Management Conference, Oslo, Norway, 2006
Kicking off a Gig Work Career: Unfolding a Career Learning Cycle of Gig Workers
C Zwettler, C Straub, D Spurk
Journal of Career Assessment, 10690727231212188, 2023
Living one’s calling outside of employment: The role of Gig Work Platforms
LF Affolter, C Straub, D Spurk
Work-Life Balance im globalen Kontext: Kulturunterschiede, Kompetenzen und Interventionen
B Beham, C Straub
Handbuch Globale Kompetenz: Grundlagen–Herausforderungen–Krisen, 1-15, 2021
Gig Arbeit: Mögliche Ressourcen für eine gelebte Berufung?
LF Affolter, C Straub, D Spurk
文章 1–20