Prathyusha Sanagavarapu
Prathyusha Sanagavarapu
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Concerns and expectations of Bangladeshi parents as their children start school
P Sanagavarapu, B Perry
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 30 (3), 45-51, 2005
Children's transition to school: Voices of Bangladeshi parents in Sydney, Australia
P Sanagavarapu
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 35 (4), 21-29, 2010
What does cultural globalisation mean for parenting in immigrant families in the 21st century?
P Sanagavarapu
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 35 (2), 36-42, 2010
Development and validation of a scale to measure first year students’ transitional challenges, wellbeing, help-seeking, and adjustments in an Australian university
P Sanagavarapu, J Abraham, E Taylor
Higher Education 77, 695-715, 2019
Successful transition programs from prior-to-school to school for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
S Dockett, B Perry, T Mason, T Simpson, P Howard, D Whitton, S Gilbert, ...
Prepared for NSW Department of Education & Training Project Reference Group …, 2008
Transition to school anxiety for mothers of children with food allergy: Implications for educators
P Sanagavarapu, M Said, C Katelaris, B Wainstein
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 41 (4), 115-122, 2016
Validating the relationship between beginning students’ transitional challenges, well-being, help-seeking, and their adjustments in an Australian university
P Sanagavarapu, J Abraham
Journal of Further and Higher Education 45 (5), 616-628, 2021
Experiences and support needs of mothers of children with food allergy during the transition to school
P Sanagavarapu
Early Childhood Education Journal 46, 523-534, 2018
Young children’s knowledge of food allergy and transition to school
P Sanagavarapu
Cogent Education 4 (1), 1304617, 2017
Don't forget to pack my EpiPen® please: What issues does food allergy present for children's starting school?
P Sanagavarapu
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 37 (2), 56-62, 2012
An exploratory study of early childhood educators' views on culture and play
P Sanagavarapu, M Wong
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 24 (4), 303-309, 2004
Barriers and enablers in the implementation and sustainability of toothbrushing programs in early childhood settings and primary schools: a systematic review
N Chandio, S Micheal, SK Tadakmadla, W Sohn, S Cartwright, R White, ...
BMC Oral Health 22 (1), 242, 2022
From Pedagogue to Technogogue: A Journey into Flipped Classrooms in Higher Education.
P Sanagavarapu
International Journal on E-learning 17 (3), 377-399, 2018
Socio-cultural matrix of raising a child with food allergies: Experiences of a migrant mother
P Sanagavarapu
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 29 (1), 45-49, 2004
Parents’ knowledge and views of food allergy management in primary schools in Australia
P Sanagavarapu
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 45 (1), 56-68, 2020
Cultural patterns of metacognitive guidance in Australian homes
P Sanagavarapu
Journal of Research in Childhood Education 22 (3), 304-315, 2008
Does culture intersect with gender of the child in mothers’ guidance of preschoolers’ puzzle solving?
P Sanagavarapu
International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning 7 (1), 31-40, 2012
Cultural specificity in maternal metacognitive guidance of preschoolers' puzzle-solving
P Sanagavarapu
Cultural specificity in the guidance of children's metacognitive learning
P Sanagavarapu, A Elliot, J Relich
conference of the AARE Newcastle. http://www. aare. edu. au/94pap/Sanap94197 …, 2006
Interventions to promote food allergy literacy in childhood: a systematic scoping review
P Sanagavarapu, A Dadich, W Hussain
Journal of School Health 93 (8), 733-742, 2023
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