I.M. Jawahar
I.M. Jawahar
Professor of Management & Chair
在 unm.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Toward a descriptive stakeholder theory: An organizational life cycle approach
IM Jawahar, GL McLaughlin
Business Ethics and Strategy, Volumes I and II, 381-398, 2018
Role conflict and burnout: The direct and moderating effects of political skill and perceived organizational support on burnout dimensions.
IM Jawahar, TH Stone, JL Kisamore
International Journal of Stress Management 14 (2), 142, 2007
Where all the children are above average: The performance appraisal purpose effect
IM Jawahar, CR Williams
Personnel Psychology 50 (4), 905-925, 1997
Predicting academic misconduct intentions and behavior using the theory of planned behavior and personality
TH Stone, IM Jawahar, JL Kisamore
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 32 (1), 35-45, 2010
The influence of perceptions of fairness on performance appraisal reactions
IM Jawahar
Journal of Labor Research 28, 735-754, 2007
Academic integrity: The relationship between individual and situational factors on misconduct contemplations
JL Kisamore, TH Stone, IM Jawahar
Journal of Business Ethics 75, 381-394, 2007
Conscientiousness and contextual performance: The compensatory effects of perceived organizational support and leader‐member exchange
IM Jawahar, D Carr
Journal of Managerial Psychology 22 (4), 330-349, 2007
Self-efficacy and political skill as comparative predictors of task and contextual performance: A two-study constructive replication
IM Jawahar, JA Meurs, GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter
Human Performance 21 (2), 138-157, 2008
Correlates of satisfaction with performance appraisal feedback
IM Jawahar
Journal of Labor research 27 (2), 213-236, 2006
Perceived organizational support for women's advancement and turnover intentions: The mediating role of job and employer satisfaction
IM Jawahar, P Hemmasi
Women in Management Review 21 (8), 643-661, 2006
Using the theory of planned behavior and cheating justifications to predict academic misconduct
TH Stone, IM Jawahar, JL Kisamore
Career Development International 14 (3), 221-241, 2009
A model of organizational justice and workplace aggression
IM Jawahar
Journal of management 28 (6), 811-834, 2002
Associations among altruism, burnout dimensions, and organizational citizenship behaviour
IHV Emmerik, IM Jawahar, TH Stone
Work & Stress 19 (1), 93-100, 2005
The mediating role of appraisal feedback reactions on the relationship between rater feedback-related behaviors and ratee performance
IM Jawahar
Group & Organization Management 35 (4), 494-526, 2010
Sexism and beautyism effects in selection as a function of self-monitoring level of decision maker.
IM Jawahar, J Mattsson
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (3), 563, 2005
An investigation of potential consequences of satisfaction with appraisal feedback
IM Jawahar
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 13 (2), 14-28, 2006
The route to employability: Examining resources and the mediating role of motivation
IJ Hetty van Emmerik, B Schreurs, N De Cuyper, IM Jawahar, ...
Career Development International 17 (2), 104-119, 2012
Fairness perceptions and satisfaction with components of pay satisfaction
IM Jawahar, TH Stone
Journal of Managerial Psychology 26 (4), 297-312, 2011
Differential effect of inter-role conflict on proactive individual’s experience of burnout
IM Jawahar, JL Kisamore, TH Stone, DL Rahn
Journal of Business and Psychology 27, 243-254, 2012
The effect of attitudes, goal setting and self-efficacy on end user performance
IM Jawahar, B Elango
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 13 (2), 40-45, 2001
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