caner mutlu
caner mutlu
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
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Doğum öncesi, doğum sırası ve doğum sonrası etkenlerin annenin bağlanması ile ilişkisi.
C Mutlu, Ö Yorbik, IA Tanju, F Çelikel, RG Sezer
Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry/Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 16 (6), 2015
Impact of enuresis nocturna on health-related quality of life in children and their mothers
AG Kilicoglu, C Mutlu, MK Bahali, H Adaletli, H Gunes, HM Duman, HI Toz, ...
Journal of pediatric urology 10 (6), 1261-1266, 2014
Association of physical activity level with depression, anxiety, and quality of life in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
EK Mutlu, C Mutlu, H Taskiran, IT Ozgen
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 28 (11-12), 1273-1278, 2015
Impact of gender, age at onset, and lifetime tic disorders on the clinical presentation and comorbidity pattern of obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents
C Tanidir, H Adaletli, H Gunes, AG Kilicoglu, C Mutlu, MK Bahali, ...
Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology 25 (5), 425-431, 2015
Impact of end‐stage renal disease on psychological status and quality of life
AG Kilicoglu, K Bahali, N Canpolat, A Bilgic, C Mutlu, Ö Yalçın, G Pehlivan, ...
Pediatrics international 58 (12), 1316-1321, 2016
Mean platelet volume in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
O Yorbik, C Mutlu, IA Tanju, D Celik, O Ozcan
Medical Hypotheses 82 (3), 341-345, 2014
Oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder co-occurrence increases the risk of Internet addiction in adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
H Gunes, C Tanidir, H Adaletli, AG Kilicoglu, C Mutlu, MK Bahali, M Topal, ...
Journal of Behavioral Addictions 7 (2), 284-291, 2018
Association of prenatal, natal, and postnatal factors with maternal attachment/Dogum oncesi, dogum sirasi ve dogum sonrasi etkenlerin annenin baglanmasi ile iliskisi
C Mutlu, O Yorbik, IA Tanju, F Celikel, RG Sezer
Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 16 (6), 442-451, 2015
One-year follow-up of heroin-dependent adolescents treated with buprenorfine/naloxone for the first time in a substance treatment unit
C Mutlu, AC Demirci, O Yalcin, AG Kilicoglu, M Topal, G Karacetin
Journal of substance abuse treatment 67, 1-8, 2016
A retrospective investigation of clozapine treatment in autistic and nonautistic children and adolescents in an inpatient clinic in Turkey
O Yalcin, G Kaymak, A Erdogan, C Tanidir, G Karacetin, AG Kilicoglu, ...
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 26 (9), 815-821, 2016
Association of theory of mind and empathy abilities in adolescents with social anxiety disorder
Y Öztürk, G Özyurt, S Turan, C Mutlu, AE Tufan, A Pekcanlar Akay
Current Psychology, 1-10, 2020
Relationships between theory of mind (ToM) and attachment properties in adolescent with social axiety disorder
Y Öztürk, G Özyurt, S Turan, C Mutlu, AE Tufan, AP Akay
Archives of Neuropsychiatry 57 (1), 65, 2020
A new diagnostic approach for Turkish speaking populations DAWBA Turkish Version
OB Dursun, T Guvenir, S Aras, C Ergin, C Mutlu, H Baydur, A Ozbek, ...
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences 22 (3), 275-282, 2013
Attachment, emotion regulation and anger expression in adolescent depression: Did comorbid anxiety disorder not have a role?
G Özyurt, Y Öztürk, M Onat, C Mutlu, A Akay
Current Psychology 40 (2), 751-760, 2021
Salivary alpha amylase levels in youths with anxiety disorders
O Yorbik, C Mutlu, O Ozturk, DK Altinay, IA Tanju, I Kurt
Psychiatry research 235, 148-153, 2016
Possible negative effects of snoring and increased sleep fragmentation on developmental status of preschool children
O Yorbik, C Mutlu, D Koc, T Mutluer
Sleep and Biological Rhythms 12, 30-36, 2014
From poster presentation to publication: National Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
C Mutlu, EK Mutlu, AG Kiliçoğlu, Ö Yorbik
Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi 52 (2), 111, 2015
Publication rates of oral presentations accepted at Advances in Physiotherapy Symposiums
EK Mutlu, D Celik, C Mutlu, AR Ozdincler
Assessment of attitude of parents towards adolescents with Internet gaming disorder
E Bulanik Koc, G Karacetin, C Mutlu, BS Onal, A Ciftci, O Ercan
Pediatrics International 62 (7), 848-856, 2020
Characteristics of pediatric psychiatric emergency population in a mental health hospital
C Mutlu, AG Kiliçoglu, H Günes, H Adaletli, H Metin, MK Bahali, H İpek, ...
Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine 14 (3), 123, 2015
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