Lukas Engel
Lukas Engel
University Basel
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Car driving, air travel or more sustainable transport? Socio-psychological factors in everyday mobility and long-distance leisure travel
E Dütschke, L Engel, A Theis, D Hanss
Travel Behaviour and Society 28, 115-127, 2022
Milk, meat, and fish from the petri dish—which attributes would make cultured proteins (un) attractive and for whom? Results from a Nordic survey
CA Klöckner, L Engel, J Moritz, RJ Burton, JF Young, U Kidmose, ...
Frontiers in sustainable food systems 6, 847931, 2022
Simple and Smart: Investigating Two Heuristics That Guide the Intention to Engage in Different Climate-Change-Mitigation Behaviors
E Matthies, T de Paula Sieverding, L Engel, A Blöbaum
Sustainability 15 (9), 7156, 2023
Measuring Intellectual Curiosity Across Cultures: Validity and Comparability of a New Scale in Six Languages
M Bluemke, L Engel, DJ Grüning, CM Lechner
Journal of Personality Assessment, 1-18, 2023
Psychological Factors Influencing Consumer Intentions to Consume Cultured Meat, Fish and Dairy
L Engel, K Vilhelmsen, I Richter, J Moritz, T Ryynänen, JF Young, ...
Appetite, 107501, 2024
Nature Conservation versus Climate Protection: A Basic Conflict of Goals Regarding the Acceptance of Climate Protection Measures?
A Blöbaum, L Engel, K Beer, M Böcher, E Matthies
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1114677, 0
Using insights on potential users’ behavior and transport requirements to inform the development of a more sustainable vehicle concept as part of a mobility transition
H Müller, TL Novotny, A Theis, L Engel, M Schweikert, VK Albers, C Eisen, ...
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 23, 100979, 2024
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