The water-energy-food security nexus through the lenses of the value chain and the institutional analysis and development frameworks S Villamayor-Tomas, P Grundmann, G Epstein, T Evans, C Kimmich Water Alternatives 8 (1), 735-755, 2015 | 174 | 2015 |
The future agricultural biogas plant in Germany: A vision S Theuerl, C Herrmann, M Heiermann, P Grundmann, N Landwehr, ... Energies 12 (3), 396, 2019 | 169 | 2019 |
Robinia pseudoacacia L.: A Lesser Known Tree Species for Biomass Production H Grünewald, C Böhm, A Quinkenstein, P Grundmann, J Eberts, ... BioEnergy Research 2, 123-133, 2009 | 152 | 2009 |
Anaerobic treatment of palm oil mill effluents: potential contribution to net energy yield and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from biodiesel production SS Harsono, P Grundmann, S Soebronto Journal of Cleaner Production 64, 619-627, 2014 | 118 | 2014 |
The German Energiewende–What's happening? Introducing the special issue L Quitzow, W Canzler, P Grundmann, M Leibenath, T Moss, T Rave Utilities Policy 41, 163-171, 2016 | 111 | 2016 |
Adoption and diffusion of renewable energy–the case of biogas as alternative fuel for cooking in Pakistan N Yasmin, P Grundmann Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 101, 255-264, 2019 | 94 | 2019 |
Energy balances and greenhouse gas emissions of palm oil biodiesel in I ndonesia SS Harsono, A Prochnow, P Grundmann, A Hansen, C Hallmann GCB Bioenergy 4 (2), 213-228, 2012 | 94 | 2012 |
Environmental impacts of energy use in wheat tillage systems: A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) study in Iran E Houshyar, P Grundmann Energy 122, 11-24, 2017 | 62 | 2017 |
Home-cooked energy transitions: Women empowerment and biogas-based cooking technology in Pakistan N Yasmin, P Grundmann Energy Policy 137, 111074, 2020 | 60 | 2020 |
Effective sustainability criteria for bioenergy: Towards the implementation of the european renewable directive II T Mai-Moulin, R Hoefnagels, P Grundmann, M Junginger Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 138, 110645, 2021 | 56 | 2021 |
Added-value from innovative value chains by establishing nutrient cycles via struvite O Maaß, P Grundmann, CB und Polach Resources, Conservation and Recycling 87, 126-136, 2014 | 55 | 2014 |
Added-value from linking the value chains of wastewater treatment, crop production and bioenergy production: A case study on reusing wastewater and sludge in crop production in … O Maass, P Grundmann Resources, Conservation and Recycling 107, 195-211, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Bioenergy as a socio-technical system: The nexus of rules, social capital and cooperation in the development of bioenergy villages in Germany C von Bock und Polach, C Kunze, O Maaß, P Grundmann Energy Research and Social Science 6, 128-135, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
Monitoring the transition towards a bioeconomy: A general framework and a specific indicator W Jander, P Grundmann Journal of Cleaner Production 236, 117564, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Governing transactions and interdependences between linked value chains in a circular economy: The case of wastewater reuse in Braunschweig (Germany) O Maaß, P Grundmann Sustainability 10 (4), 1125, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Monitoring bioeconomy transitions with economic–environmental and innovation indicators: addressing data gaps in the short term W Jander, S Wydra, J Wackerbauer, P Grundmann, S Piotrowski Sustainability 12 (11), 4683, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Understanding business environments and success factors for emerging bioeconomy enterprises through a comprehensive analytical framework ME Adamseged, P Grundmann Sustainability 12 (21), 9018, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Responses of agricultural bioenergy sectors in Brandenburg (Germany) to climate, economic and legal changes: An application of Holling's adaptive cycle P Grundmann, MH Ehlers, G Uckert Energy Policy 48, 118-129, 2012 | 34 | 2012 |
Fibre boards and composites from wet preserved hemp R Pecenka, C Furll, C Idler, P Grundmann, L Radosavljevic International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 36 (1-4), 208-220, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
Grundlagen, Verfahren und Potenzial der Biogasgewinnung im Land Brandenburg B Linke, M Heiermann, P Grundmann, F Hertwig Leitfaden Biogas 16, 2003 | 29 | 2003 |