James Sinclair
Predictors of post-school success: A systematic review of NLTS2 secondary analyses
VL Mazzotti, DA Rowe, J Sinclair, M Poppen, WE Woods, MK Shearer
Journal of Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 2015
Secondary transition predictors of postschool success: An update to the research base
VL Mazzotti, DA Rowe, S Kwiatek, A Voggt, WH Chang, CH Fowler, ...
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 44 (1), 47-64, 2021
Barriers to sexuality for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A literature review
J Sinclair, DK Unruh, L Lindstrom, D Scanlon
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities 50 (1), 3-16, 2015
Perceptions of mental health concerns for secondary students with disabilities during transition to adulthood
M Poppen, J Sinclair, KA Hirano, DK Lindstrom, Lauren., Unruh
Education and Treatment of Children 39 (2), 221-246, 2016
Strategies for embedding self-determination skill instruction in the common core
DA Rowe, VL Mazzotti, J Sinclair
Intervention in School and Clinic 50 (3), 131-141, 2015
A 16-year review of participant diversity in intervention research across a selection of 12 special education journals
J Sinclair, SG Hansen, W Machalicek, C Knowles, KA Hirano, JK Dolata, ...
Exceptional Children 84 (3), 312-329, 2018
School personnel perceptions of youth with disabilities returning to high school from the juvenile justice system
JS Sinclair, DK Unruh, H Griller Clark, MG Waintrup
The Journal of Special Education 51 (2), 95-105, 2017
Youth-based participatory research: Lessons learned from a transition research study.
M Rosen-Reynoso, M Kusminsky, S Gragoudas, H Putney, MK Crossman, ...
Pediatrics 126, S177-S182, 2010
Effects of a universal classroom management intervention on middle school students with or at risk of behavior problems
J Sinclair, KC Herman, WM Reinke, N Dong, M Stormont
Remedial and Special Education 42 (1), 18-30, 2021
Collaborating to plan and implement a sex education curriculum for individuals with disabilities
J Sinclair, LG Kahn, DA Rowe, VL Mazzotti, KA Hirano, C Knowles
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 40 (2), 123-128, 2017
Let's talk about sex… education
DA Rowe, J Sinclair, K Hirano, J Barbour
American Journal of Sexuality Education 13 (2), 205-216, 2018
An analysis of motivation in three self-determination curricula
J Sinclair, KW Bromley, KA Shogren, C Murray, DK Unruh, BA Harn
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 40 (3), 175-185, 2017
“More than a job, it’sa purpose”: A psychology of working perspective of the working experiences for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
CB Gilson, J Sinclair, ML Whirley, YF Li, DL Blustein
Journal of Career Assessment 30 (2), 367-386, 2022
Taking responsibility: Preparing young offenders to handle disclosure on the job
YK Pham, DK Unruh, M Waintrup, J Sinclair, MD Johnson, CY Alverson
Beyond Behavior 26 (1), 36-41, 2017
Developing a direct rating behavior scale for depression in middle school students.
SP Kilgus, MP Van Wie, JS Sinclair, TC Riley-Tillman, KC Herman
School Psychology 34 (1), 86, 2019
Gay-straight alliances in the battle for rights: A tipping point for progress over prohibition.
J Sinclair, B Reece
Interchange 47, 109-1202, 2016
Relationships matter: The role transition specialists play in youth’s reentry from the juvenile justice system
J Sinclair, D Unruh, K Kelly
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 44 (1), 4-16, 2021
Lived experiences of mental health in higher education: A comparative analysis of determinants to supports and services.
SM Stegenga, J Sinclair, C Knowles, SO Storie, JR Seeley
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 91 (6), 738, 2021
Aspirational differences between students with and without IEPs: Grades earned matter
J Sinclair, VP Poteat
Remedial and Special Education 41 (1), 40-49, 2020
The effects of a school-based cognitive behavioral therapy curriculum on mental health and academic outcomes for adolescents with disabilities
J Sinclair
University of Oregon, 2016
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