Abbas Hassan
Abbas Hassan
Department of Architecture, Dhofar University
在 du.edu.om 的电子邮件经过验证
The paradox of the sustainable city: definitions and examples
AM Hassan, H Lee
Environment, development and sustainability 17, 1267-1285, 2015
Toward the sustainable development of urban areas: An overview of global trends in trials and policies
AM Hassan, H Lee
Land use policy 48, 199-212, 2015
Urban transition in the era of the internet of things: Social implications and privacy challenges
AM Hassan, AI Awad
IEEE Access 6, 36428-36440, 2018
From medieval Cairo to modern Masdar City: lessons learned through a comparative study
AM Hassan, H Lee, US Yoo
Architectural Science Review 59 (1), 39-52, 2016
Special issue on security of IoT-enabled infrastructures in smart cities
AI Awad, S Furnell, AM Hassan, T Tryfonas
Evaluation of the contemporary urban design through the classic urban theories: Cairo and Gwangju downtown as a case study
AM Hassan, H Lee, U Yoo
HBRC Journal 10 (3), 327-338, 2014
A theoretical approach to the design of sustainable dwellings in hot dry zones: A Toshka case study
AM Hassan, H Lee
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40, 251-262, 2014
The compactness of non-compacted urban developments: A critical review on sustainable approaches to automobility and urban sprawl
TO Alshammari, AM Hassan, Y Arab, H Hussein, F Khozaei, M Saeed, ...
Sustainability 14 (18), 11121, 2022
Multiple-criteria decision analysis using TOPSIS: sustainable approach to technical and economic evaluation of rocks for lining canals
MAM Ali, JG Kim, ZH Awadallah, AM Abdo, AM Hassan
Applied Sciences 11 (20), 9692, 2021
Threshold concepts theory in higher education—introductory statistics courses as an example
WH Beitelmal, R Littlejohn, PC Okonkwo, IU Hassan, EM Barhoumi, ...
Education Sciences 12 (11), 748, 2022
Sustainable assignment of Egyptian ornamental stones for interior and exterior building finishes using the AHP-TOPSIS technique
AMA Shohda, MAM Ali, G Ren, JG Kim, AM Abdo, WR Abdellah, ...
Sustainability 14 (4), 2453, 2022
Controversial Issues Relevant to Sustainable Urbanism: A Review of Global Urban Tendencies
AM Hassan, H Lee
European Journal of Sustainable Development Research 2 (1), 04, 2018
Challenges of passive cooling techniques in buildings: a critical review for identifying the resilient technique
AM Hassan, H Lee, S Oh
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (6), 2016
Neo-liberal policies in Islam: A critical view on the grand mosque
AA Alraouf, AM Hassan
Neo-liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Professional Era, 157-180, 2018
Smart Buildings as an Approach to Affordable Housing: Assessment of Formal Housing in Egypt: Assessment of Formal Housing in Egypt
AM Hassan, H Lee, U Yoo
한국주거학회 국제학술대회논문집, 327-336, 2015
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