Do green jobs differ from non-green jobs in terms of skills and human capital? D Consoli, G Marin, A Marzucchi, F Vona Research Policy 45 (5), 1046-1060, 2016 | 380 | 2016 |
A Survey of the Literature on Environmental Innovation Based on Main Path Analysis N Barbieri, C Ghisetti, M Gilli, G Marin, F Nicolli Journal of Economic Surveys 30 (3), 596-623, 2016 | 337 | 2016 |
Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries V Costantini, F Crespi, G Marin, E Paglialunga Journal of Cleaner Production 155 (2), 141-154, 2016 | 330 | 2016 |
Environmental regulation and green skills: an empirical exploration F Vona, G Marin, D Consoli, D Popp Journal of the Association of Environmental and Reseource Economists 5 (4 …, 2018 | 282* | 2018 |
Do eco-innovations harm productivity growth through crowding out? Results of an extended CDM model for Italy G Marin Research Policy 43 (2), 301-317, 2014 | 228 | 2014 |
SMEs and barriers to Eco-innovation in the EU: exploring different firm profiles G Marin, A Marzucchi, R Zoboli Journal of Evolutionary Economics 25 (3), 671–705, 2015 | 226* | 2015 |
The Effect of Within-Sector, Upstream and Downstream Environmental Taxes on Innovation and Productivity C Franco, G Marin Environmental & Resource Economics 66 (2), 261–291, 2017 | 161* | 2017 |
The impact of the European Emission Trading Scheme on multiple measures of economic performance G Marin, M Marino, C Pellegrin Environmental and Resource Economics 71 (2), 551-582, 2018 | 159 | 2018 |
The evolution of environmental and labor productivity dynamics G Marin, M Mazzanti Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23 (2), 357-399, 2013 | 136 | 2013 |
The Greener the Better? Job Creation Effects of Environmentally-Friendly Technological Change L Gagliardi, G Marin, C Miriello Industrial and Corporate Change 25 (5), 779–807, 2016 | 126* | 2016 |
Productivity effects of eco-innovations using data on eco-patents G Marin, F Lotti Industrial and Corporate Change 26 (1), 125–148, 2017 | 123 | 2017 |
Climate Policies and Skill-Biased Employment Dynamics: Evidence from EU countries G Marin, F Vona Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019 | 117 | 2019 |
The Impact of Energy Prices on Socioeconomic and Environmental Performance: Evidence from French Manufacturing Establishments, 1997-2015 G Marin, F Vona European Economic Review, 2021 | 114* | 2021 |
Measures, Drivers and Effects of Green Employment: Evidence from US Local Labor Markets, 2006-2014 D Consoli, G Marin, F Vona Journal of Economic Geography, 2018 | 104* | 2018 |
The Employment Impact of a Green Fiscal Push: Evidence from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act D Popp, G Marin, F Vona, Z Chen Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2021 (2), 1-69, 2021 | 100* | 2021 |
Outward Foreign Direct Investments Patterns of Italian Firms in the EU ETS S Borghesi, C Franco, G Marin Scandinavian Journal of Economics 122 (1), 219-256, 2020 | 95* | 2020 |
Green stimulus in a post-pandemic recovery: the role of skills for a resilient recovery Z Chen, G Marin, D Popp, F Vona Environmental and Resource Economics, 2020 | 73 | 2020 |
Greenfield Foreign Direct Investments and Regional Environmental Technologies D Castellani, G Marin, S Montresor, A Zanfei Research Policy 51 (1), 104405, 2022 | 71 | 2022 |
Socio-economic exposure to natural disasters G Marin, M Modica Environmental Impact Assessment Review 64, 57-66, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
Matching of PATSTAT applications to AIDA firms: discussion of the methodology and results F Lotti, G Marin Bank of Italy occasional paper, 2013 | 59* | 2013 |