Yifan Zuo
Yifan Zuo
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
在 jxufe.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Infrared and visible image fusion using visual saliency sparse representation and detail injection model
Y Yang, Y Zhang, S Huang, Y Zuo, J Sun
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-15, 2020
Multi-scale frequency reconstruction for guided depth map super-resolution via deep residual network
Y Zuo, Q Wu, Y Fang, P An, L Huang, Z Chen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (2), 297-306, 2019
Explicit edge inconsistency evaluation model for color-guided depth map enhancement
Y Zuo, Q Wu, J Zhang, P An
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 28 (2), 439-453, 2016
Perceptual quality assessment for screen content images by spatial continuity
Y Fang, R Du, Y Zuo, W Wen, L Li
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (11), 4050 …, 2019
IMFNet: Interpretable multimodal fusion for point cloud registration
X Huang, W Qu, Y Zuo, Y Fang, X Zhao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 12323-12330, 2022
Pyramid-structured depth map super-resolution based on deep dense-residual network
L Huang, J Zhang, Y Zuo, Q Wu
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 26 (12), 1723-1727, 2019
Residual dense network for intensity-guided depth map enhancement
Y Zuo, Y Fang, Y Yang, X Shang, B Wang
Information Sciences 495, 52-64, 2019
Blind quality assessment for tone-mapped images by analysis of gradient and chromatic statistics
Y Fang, J Yan, R Du, Y Zuo, W Wen, Y Zeng, L Li
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23, 955-966, 2020
Minimum spanning forest with embedded edge inconsistency measurement model for guided depth map enhancement
Y Zuo, Q Wu, J Zhang, P An
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (8), 4145-4159, 2018
Unsupervised point cloud registration by learning unified gaussian mixture models
X Huang, S Li, Y Zuo, Y Fang, J Zhang, X Zhao
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (3), 7028-7035, 2022
Frequency-dependent depth map enhancement via iterative depth-guided affine transformation and intensity-guided refinement
Y Zuo, Y Fang, P An, X Shang, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 23, 772-783, 2020
Frozen CLIP Model is An Efficient Point Cloud Backbone
X Huang, S Li, W Qu, T He, Y Zuo, W Ouyang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.04098, 2022
No reference quality assessment for 3D synthesized views by local structure variation and global naturalness change
J Yan, Y Fang, R Du, Y Zeng, Y Zuo
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 7443-7453, 2020
Depth map enhancement by revisiting multi-scale intensity guidance within coarse-to-fine stages
Y Zuo, Y Fang, Y Yang, X Shang, Q Wu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (12), 4676 …, 2019
Visual attention modeling for autism spectrum disorder by semantic features
Y Fang, H Huang, B Wan, Y Zuo
2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW …, 2019
Multi-stream dense view reconstruction network for light field image compression
D Liu, Y Huang, Y Fang, Y Zuo, P An
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022
MIG-net: Multi-scale network alternatively guided by intensity and gradient features for depth map super-resolution
Y Zuo, H Wang, Y Fang, X Huang, X Shang, Q Wu
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 24, 3506-3519, 2021
Visual attention prediction for Autism Spectrum Disorder with hierarchical semantic fusion
Y Fang, H Zhang, Y Zuo, W Jiang, H Huang, J Yan
Signal Processing: Image Communication 93, 116186, 2021
Explicit modeling on depth-color inconsistency for color-guided depth up-sampling
Y Zuo, Q Wu, J Zhang, P An
2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1-6, 2016
Low complexity inter coding scheme for Versatile Video Coding (VVC)
X Shang, G Li, X Zhao, Y Zuo
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 90, 103683, 2023
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