Nadir Kheir
Nadir Kheir
Ajman University
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Pharmacy education and practice in 13 Middle Eastern countries
N Kheir, M Zaidan, H Younes, M El Hajj, K Wilbur, PJ Jewesson
American journal of pharmaceutical education 72 (6), 2008
Quality of life of caregivers of children with autism in Qatar
N Kheir, O Ghoneim, AL Sandridge, M Al-Ismail, S Hayder, F Al-Rawi
Autism 16 (3), 293-298, 2012
An exploratory study on medications in Qatar homes
N Kheir, MSE Hajj, K Wilbur, RML Kaissi, A Yousif
Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety, 99-106, 2011
Impact of Pharmaceutical Care interventions in the identification and resolution of drug-related problems and on quality of life in a group of elderly outpatients in Ribeirão …
DP de Lyra, N Kheir, JP Abriata, CE da Rocha, CB Dos Santos, IR Pelá
Therapeutics and clinical risk management 3 (6), 989-998, 2007
Asthma management by New Zealand pharmacists: a pharmaceutical care demonstration project
L Emmerton, J Shaw, N Kheir
Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics 28 (5), 395-402, 2003
Development and evaluation of pictograms on medication labels for patients with limited literacy skills in a culturally diverse multiethnic population
N Kheir, A Awaisu, A Radoui, A El Badawi, L Jean, R Dowse
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 10 (5), 720-730, 2014
Factors associated with medication adherence among patients with diabetes in the Middle East and North Africa region: a systematic mixed studies review
M Jaam, MIM Ibrahim, N Kheir, A Awaisu
Diabetes research and clinical practice 129, 1-15, 2017
Pharmacy practice in Qatar: challenges and opportunities
N Kheir, M Fahey
Southern med review 4 (2), 92, 2011
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of community pharmacists on generic medicines in Qatar
A Awaisu, N Kheir, MIM Ibrahim, M El-Hajj, H Hazi, N Khudair, R Barazi
International journal of clinical pharmacy 36, 394-404, 2014
Knowledge, attitude and practices of Qatari patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
N Kheir, W Greer, A Yousif, H Al Geed, R Al Okkah
International journal of pharmacy practice 19 (3), 185-191, 2011
Effectiveness of a pharmacist-delivered smoking cessation program in the State of Qatar: a randomized controlled trial
MS El Hajj, N Kheir, AM Al Mulla, R Shami, N Fanous, ZR Mahfoud
BMC public health 17, 1-12, 2017
Pharmacy practice research methods
ZUD Babar
Springer International Publishing AG, 2015
Health-related quality of life measurement in pharmaceutical care Targeting an outcome that matters
NM Kheir, JW Foppe van Mil, JP Shaw, JL Sheridan
Pharmacy World and Science 26, 125-128, 2004
Assessing prevalence of and barriers to medication adherence in patients with uncontrolled diabetes attending primary healthcare clinics in Qatar
M Jaam, MIM Ibrahim, N Kheir, MA Hadi, MI Diab, A Awaisu
Primary care diabetes 12 (2), 116-125, 2018
Concerns and considerations among caregivers of a child with autism in Qatar
NM Kheir, OM Ghoneim, AL Sandridge, SA Hayder, MS Al-Ismail, ...
BMC Research Notes 5, 1-7, 2012
Medication-related burden among patients with chronic disease conditions: perspectives of patients attending non-communicable disease clinics in a primary healthcare setting in …
A Zidan, A Awaisu, MS El-Hajj, SA Al-Abdulla, DCR Figueroa, N Kheir
Pharmacy 6 (3), 85, 2018
A qualitative exploration of barriers to medication adherence among patients with uncontrolled diabetes in Qatar: integrating perspectives of patients and health care providers
M Jaam, MA Hadi, N Kheir, MI Mohamed Ibrahim, MI Diab, SA Al-Abdulla, ...
Patient preference and adherence, 2205-2216, 2018
The Living with Medicines Questionnaire: translation and cultural adaptation into the Arabic context
A Zidan, A Awaisu, S Hasan, N Kheir
Value in health regional issues 10, 36-40, 2016
Can pharmacists influence the health-related quality of life of patients with asthma?: The New Zealand Pharmaceutical Care experience
N Kheir, L Emmerton, J Shaw
Journal for scientific research. Medical sciences/Sultan Qaboos University 3 …, 2001
A holistic conceptual framework model to describe medication adherence in and guide interventions in diabetes mellitus
M Jaam, A Awaisu, MIM Ibrahim, N Kheir
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 14 (4), 391-397, 2018
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