Amy Haigh
Amy Haigh
Ecologist, Veon Ecology
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Nesting behaviour and seasonal body mass changes in a rural Irish population of the Western hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
A Haigh, RM O’Riordan, F Butler
Acta Theriologica 57, 321-331, 2012
The effects of environmental and visitor variables on the behavior of free‐ranging ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in captivity
C Collins, I Corkery, A Haigh, S McKeown, T Quirke, R O'Riordan
Zoo Biology 36 (4), 250-260, 2017
The ecology of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) in rural Ireland
A Haigh
University College Cork, 2011
Annual patterns of mammalian mortality on Irish roads
AJ Haigh
Hystrix 23 (2), 58, 2012
Use of different wood types as environmental enrichment to manage tail biting in docked pigs in a commercial fully-slatted system
JY Chou, RB D'Eath, DA Sandercock, N Waran, A Haigh, K O'Driscoll
Livestock Science 213, 19-27, 2018
Managed parks as a refuge for the threatened red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in light of human disturbance
A Haigh, F Butler, R O'Riordan, R Palme
Biological Conservation 211, 29-36, 2017
Variations in aggression and activity levels amongst squirrels inhabiting low and high density areas
A Haigh, R O’Riordan, F Butler
Ecological Research 32 (6), 931-941, 2017
Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus mortality on Irish roads
A Haigh, RM O'Riordan, F Butler
Wildlife Biology 20 (3), 155-160, 2014
Artificial selection in human‐wildlife feeding interactions
LL Griffin, A Haigh, B Amin, J Faull, A Norman, S Ciuti
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (9), 1892-1905, 2022
Irish pig farmer’s perceptions and experiences of tail and ear biting
A Haigh, K O’Driscoll
Porcine Health Management 5, 1-10, 2019
An investigation into the effectiveness of compressed straw blocks in reducing abnormal behaviour in growing pigs
A Haigh, J Yun-Chou, K O’Driscoll
Animal 13 (11), 2576-2585, 2019
Non-invasive methods of separating hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) age classes and an investigation into the age structure of road kill
A Haigh, M Kelly, F Butler, RM O’Riordan
Acta theriologica 59, 165-171, 2014
Variations in the behavior of pigs during an open field and novel object test
A Haigh, JY Chou, K O'Driscoll
Frontiers in veterinary science 7, 607, 2020
Habitat selection, philopatry and spatial segregation in rural Irish hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)
A Haigh, RM O’Riordan, F Butler
Mammalia 77 (2), 163-172, 2013
In utero accumulated steroids predict neonate anti‐predator response in a wild mammal
B Amin, DJ Jennings, AF Smith, M Quinn, S Chari, A Haigh, D Matas, ...
Functional ecology 35 (6), 1255-1267, 2021
An investigation into the techniques for detecting hedgehogs in a rural landscape
A Haigh, F Butler, RM O'Riordan
Journal of Negative Results, 2012
Intra-and interhabitat differences in hedgehog distribution and potential prey availability
A Haigh, F Butler, RM O’Riordan
Mammalia 76 (3), 261-268, 2012
A scoping review of the scientific evidence base for rewilding in Europe
EE Hart, A Haigh, S Ciuti
Biological Conservation 285, 110243, 2023
Reducing risky interactions: Identifying barriers to the successful management of human–wildlife conflict in an urban parkland
LL Griffin, A Haigh, K Conteddu, M Andaloc, P McDonnell, S Ciuti
People and Nature 4 (4), 918-930, 2022
Courtship behaviour of western hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in a rural landscape in Ireland and the first appearance of offspring
A Haigh, F Butler, RM O'Riordan
Zoogdiervereniging, 2012
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