An empirical study of an auction with asymmetric information K Hendricks, RH Porter The American Economic Review, 865-883, 1988 | 603 | 1988 |
The war of attrition in continuous time with complete information K Hendricks, A Weiss, C Wilson International Economic Review, 663-680, 1988 | 315 | 1988 |
Empirical implications of equilibrium bidding in first-price, symmetric, common value auctions K Hendricks, J Pinkse, RH Porter The Review of Economic Studies 70 (1), 115-145, 2003 | 307 | 2003 |
The economics of hubs: The case of monopoly K Hendricks, M Piccione, G Tan The Review of Economic Studies 62 (1), 83-99, 1995 | 281 | 1995 |
Information, returns, and bidding behavior in OCS auctions: 1954-1969 K Hendricks, RH Porter, B Boudreau The Journal of Industrial Economics, 517-542, 1987 | 240 | 1987 |
Collusion in auctions K Hendricks, RH Porter Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 217-230, 1989 | 232 | 1989 |
Entry and exit in hub-spoke networks K Hendricks, M Piccione, G Tan The RAND Journal of Economics, 291-303, 1997 | 206 | 1997 |
Information and the skewness of music sales K Hendricks, A Sorensen Journal of political Economy 117 (2), 324-369, 2009 | 196 | 2009 |
Auctions for oil and gas leases with an informed bidder and a random reservation price K Hendricks, RH Porter, CA Wilson Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1415-1444, 1994 | 193 | 1994 |
A survey of recent empirical work concerning auctions K Hendricks, HJ Paarsch Canadian Journal of Economics, 403-426, 1995 | 165 | 1995 |
Equilibria in networks K Hendricks, M Piccione, G Tan Econometrica 67 (6), 1407-1434, 1999 | 155 | 1999 |
Asymmetric information, information externalities, and efficiency: the case of oil exploration K Hendricks, D Kovenock The Rand Journal of Economics, 164-182, 1989 | 155 | 1989 |
Joint bidding in federal OCS auctions K Hendricks, RH Porter The American Economic Review 82 (2), 506-511, 1992 | 151 | 1992 |
The timing and incidence of exploratory drilling on offshore wildcat tracts K Hendricks, RH Porter The American Economic Review, 388-407, 1996 | 148 | 1996 |
Bidding rings and the winner's curse K Hendricks, R Porter, G Tan The RAND Journal of Economics 39 (4), 1018-1041, 2008 | 117 | 2008 |
An empirical perspective on auctions K Hendricks, RH Porter Handbook of Industrial Organization 3, 2073-2143, 2007 | 113 | 2007 |
A theory of bilateral oligopoly K Hendricks, RP McAfee Economic Inquiry 48 (2), 391-414, 2010 | 104 | 2010 |
Observational learning and demand for search goods K Hendricks, A Sorensen, T Wiseman American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 4 (1), 1-31, 2012 | 96 | 2012 |
Feints K Hendricks, RP McAfee Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 15 (2), 431-456, 2006 | 85 | 2006 |
Reputations in the adoption of a new technology K Hendricks International Journal of Industrial Organization 10 (4), 663-677, 1992 | 78 | 1992 |